Lesson 156 May the force be with you



May the force be with you

Mr. Takagi: Class, we’re going to have an entrance exam for public schools next week. I know you’re all nervous. But I also know that you’ve been working very hard. I trust you will do your best. See you after the exam! All the best!

Doug: Are you all ready for the exam?

Bunta: Hide has already passed the exam to that famous private high school. I passed mine, too. It’s not as good as Hide’s school, but I can play rugby there.

Doug: That’s great, Bunta. Congratulations, Hide.

Hide: Thanks, Doug. I’m looking forward to hearing your good news, Asuka.

Asuka: Yukichi and I are going to take the exam together.

Hide: I bet he won’t do as well as you, but hopefully he’ll get in.

Doug: May the force be with you.


What can Bunta do at his new high school?  He can play rugby.

What does Doug say to encourage Asuka and Yukichi?  May the force be with you.



It’s not as good as Hide’s school, but I can play rugby there.

I bet he won’t do as well as you, but hopefully he’ll get in.

do well うまくいく、成功する

not as … asのランキング
not as good as…   ~ほどよくない
not as much as …   ~ほど多くない
not as bad as …   ~ほど悪くない
not as easy as …   ~ほど容易ではない
not as simple as …   ~ほど簡単ではない



I trust you will do your best.



I think this is not as bad as everyone says.

I trust she will do her best.


“think” を使わない「どう思う?
What do you think? は普通に使いますが・・・

What do you say?”  で「どう思う?」になる。
Let’s go to the movies tomorrow. What do you say?
What do you say we grab a drink tonight?
What do you say to eating out tonight?
“I’d say” も覚えておきたい

「意見を述べる」という意味の “say” を使った表現で、ネイティブが「〜だと思う」と言う時によく使うフレーズが “I’d say 〜(=I would say 〜)”。

“I’d say 〜” はハッキリ言い切る感じではなくて、ちょっと推量が入ったあやふやな感じや「(他にも違う意見はあるかもしれないけど)私は〜と思う」「おそらく〜だと思います」というニュアンスで、”I think 〜” よりも柔らかい表現になります。例えば、

I’d say there were about 200 people at the party.
Do you think the new iPhone is worth the price? -I’d say so.

