ラジオ英会話 Lesson 238 it を用いたさまざまな形

ラジオ英会話 Lesson 238 it を用いたさまざまな形

Key Sentence

I find it difficult to explain the photos otherwise.

Today’s dialog

Aki: Brendan, where are you going with the time capsule?

Peacock: I’m taking it back to the university. I’m done with it.

Aki: Have you solved the mystery?

Peacock: I’ve come to the conclusion that it’s a hoax.

Aki: Why do you say that?

Peacock: I managed to read the data chip inside the smartphone.

Aki: I thought it was rusted.

Peacock: Not completely. There were some photos on it.

Aki: Photos of what?

Peacock: A Halloween party, I think. There was somebody in a space alien costume. I find it difficult to explain the photos otherwise.

Aki: I see.

Grammar and Vocabulary

I’ve come to the conclusion that it’s a hoax.
There were some photos on it.

Target Forms

Key Sentence

I find it difficult to explain the photos otherwise.


We should make it a rule that when people enter they have to show their IDs.

It’s not so difficult to speak English.

It’s not so difficult speaking English.

It’s great that you two get along.


Grammar in Action

①今は早い時間に起きるのが簡単だと思います。 それは、かつてはとても大変なことでした。
I find it easy to wake up early now. It used to be really hard.
②今日はこんなに暑いなんて奇妙ですね。 まだ3月ですよ。
It’s strange that it’s so hot today. It’s still March.
③田舎に住むほうがストレスが少ないですね。 ここでは時間の流れが少しゆっくりです。
It’s less stressful living in the country. Time moves a little slower here.


be done with ~: ~はもう(やり)終えた
come to the conclusion that ~: ~という結論に達する
hoax: いたずら、でっちあげ
make it a rule: ルールにする
It’s not so difficult: それほど難しくない

challenge man:
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