ラジオ英会話 Lesson 183 名詞+節 (同格節)

ラジオ英会話 Lesson 183 名詞+節 (同格節)

Key Sentence

We must accept the fact that we are in the 1860s.

Today’s dialog

Anton: I’ve always wanted to see the English thing countryside. It’s beautiful.

Megan: I guess this isn’t a huge movie set after all. We haven’t seen any cars or other signs of the 21st haya century yet.

Anton: We must accept the fact that we are in the 1860s.

Megan: But we have to get back somehow.

Anton: Megan, even if we can get the Omega 3 into space again, how do we get back…to the future?

Megan: That will be a challenge, certainly. But, first things first. Let’s see what we can do in Oxford.

Grammar and Vocabulary

I guess this isn’t a huge movie set after all.
Let’s see what we can do in Oxford.

Target Forms

Key Sentence

We must accept the fact that we are in the 1860s.


I heard a rumor that you got promoted.

I heard the news that you got promoted.

We came to the conclusion that we should hire more staff.

I like your proposal that we should cancel the meeting.

I like your idea that we should cancel the meeting.


Grammar in Action

①私は、あなたが私たちの部署に参加するというニュースを歓迎しました。 私たちはあなたの経験を持った人を本当に必要としているのです。
I welcomed the news that you’re joining our department. We really need someone with your experience.
②デスパレート ・ ラッツが新しいアルバムを作っているといううわさがあるよ。 そうだったらとてもすばらしいでしょうね!
There’s a rumor that the Desperate Rats are making a new album. That would be so awesome!
③あなたは、私たちがもっと大きな家が必要だという結論から逃れることはできません。 私たちにはもっとベッドルームが必要なんです。
You can’t escape the conclusion that we need a bigger house. We need more bedrooms.


countryside: 田舎、田園地帯
huge: Ext
accept: 受け入れる
fact: 事実・現実・実際
challenge: 難題、課題
first things first: まずは大事なことから始める

challenge man:
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