ラジオ英会話 Lesson 206 副詞による修飾 ① 程度を表す副詞

ラジオ英会話 Lesson 206 副詞による修飾 ① 程度を表す副詞

Key Sentence

It’s surprisingly good.

Today’s dialog

Roxy: Grandpa, look what I got from Mom and Dad today.

Grandpa: Oh, did they send you a package from Japan?

Roxy: Yes, there are some Japanese snacks and chocolates. Here you go, Grandpa.

Grandpa: What does this say, Roxy?

Roxy: It’s the latest thing – natto chocolate. Try it. It’s surprisingly good.

Grandpa: Natto and chocolate? Hmmm.

Roxy : How is it?

Grandpa: Roxy, it is really hard to describe the flavor. But I suppose it is…OK.

Roxy: Maybe Grandma will like it better.

Grandpa: Perhaps.

Grammar and Vocabulary

Look what I got from Mom and Dad today.
Did they send you a package from Japan?

Target Forms

Key Sentence

It’s surprisingly good.


His presentation was very good.

His presentation was quite good.

His presentation was pretty good.

His speech was so interesting.

The test was a little difficult.

The test was a bit difficult.

The test was a little bit difficult.

The stars were hardly visible due to the city lights.

The stars were barely visible due to the city lights.


Grammar in Action

①その番組は非常に有益でした。 私は、それを見ることによってたくさん学びました。
The show was very informative. I learned a lot by watching it.
②わぁ。日没がすごくすばらしいですね! 私たちがそれを見ることができて、私は本当にうれしいです。
Oh, wow. The sunset is so gorgeous! I’m so glad we got to see it.
③その食堂のスープは大抵ちょっと味が薄いのです。 私は少し黒コショウを加えるのが好きです。
The cafeteria soup is usually a bit bland. I like to add some black pepper.


Here you go.: (人に物を差し出して)はい、どうぞ。(Here you are. よりもカジュアル)
surprisingly: 意外に、驚くほどに
flavo0r: 味、風味
fairly: かなり
absolutely: (絶対に・完全に
extremely: 極端に
enormously: 桁外れに
really: 本当に
informative: 有益な
get to ~: ~するようになる・~する機会を得る
bland: パンチに欠け、興味を引かない

challenge man:
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