ラジオ英会話 Lesson 221 文頭への移動-焦点・対比

ラジオ英会話 Lesson 221 文頭への移動-焦点・対比

Key Sentence

After dinner, I went to a karaoke club with my friends from university.

Today’s dialog

Grandpa: Good morning, Roxy. What time did you come home last night?

Roxy: Good morning, Grandpa. I guess it was close to midnight.

Grandpa: Where were you?

Roxy: After dinner, I went to a karaoke club with my friends from university.

Grandpa: Karaoke? Do you like going to karaoke?

Roxy: Sometimes. It was my first time to go here in England.

Grandpa: What kinds of songs did you sing?

Roxy: I don’t think you know any of the songs we sang.

Grandpa: So, nothing by The Beatles?

Roxy: Not this time.

Grammar and Vocabulary

It was my first time to go here in England.
I don’t think you know any of the songs we sang.

Target Forms

Key Sentence

After dinner, I went to a karaoke club with my friends from university.


In the entryway, we took off our shoes.

During the day, few people come here, but at night it’s very lively.

The more you exercise, the better you’ll feel.


Grammar in Action

①先週末、私は「ビッグ・ウエスト・ガレージ」のシーズン全部を見ました。 それは私の新しいお気に入りの番組です。
Last weekend, I watched a whole season of Big West Garage. It’s my new favorite show.
In the morning, this cafe is very busy, but in the afternoon it’s usually empty.
③この番組を長く見れば見るほど、ますますその登場人物が好きになります。 あなたは気に入るだろうと思いますよ。
The longer I watch the show, the more I like the characters. I think you’d like it.


guess: ~だと推測する・思う
midnight: 夜の12時

challenge man:
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