基礎英語3 Lesson 165 This is from Sho’s graduation ceremony

Lesson 165 This is from Sho’s graduation ceremony


This is from Sho’s graduation ceremony

Yumi: David, Mr. Takamine loved your winter pictures of Satoyama.

David: It’s thanks to the people of this town. They were very helpful.

Yumi: I liked the photo you took from Satoyama Ravine.

David: Oh, this is from Sho’s graduation ceremony.

Yumi: How nice! It’s Sho and Naoki!

David: I think it’s too bad you weren’t in the photo with them.

Yumi: Well yes, but….

David: Yoko has changed a lot. She even started a blog to keep up with the times.

Yumi: What? I don’t believe it.

David: Yum I, you can’t change the past, but the future is entirely up to you. Please make up with Yoko. I’ll set things up.



David, Mr. Takamine loved your winter pictures of Satoyama.
It’s thanks to the people of this town. They were very helpful.
I liked the photo you took from Satoyama Ravine.
Oh, this is from Sho’s graduation ceremony.
なんて素敵! 翔と直樹の写真ね!
How nice! It’s Sho and Naoki!
I think it’s too bad you weren’t in the photo with them.
Well yes, but….
Yoko has changed a lot. She even started a blog to keep up with the times.
何ですって? 信じられないわ。
What? I don’t believe it.
Yum I, you can’t change the past, but the future is entirely up to you. Please make up with Yoko. I’ll set things up.

Words & Phrases

helpful  助けになる、役立つ
graduation ceremony  卒業式
the past  過去、過ぎ去ったこと
set things up   物事を手配する、段取りを整える

Let’s Check

How has Yoko changed a lot?
She started a blog to keep up with the times.

Today’s CAN-DO

なんて素敵なんでしょう! 翔と直樹(の写真)ですね!
How nice! It’s Sho and Naoki!
How+形容詞+!(なんて~だろう!)の感嘆文のパターンはいろいろに使えます。ここでは How nice の後ろに it is が省略されています。

CAN-DO 活用例文

◆今週末会いに行きますよ。 – そうなの! それは楽しみだ!
I’m coming to see you this weekend. – Wow! How exciting!
◆これが私たちの結婚式の写真です。 - 素敵ですね!
This is our wedding phot. – How lovely!

Get It Right

なんてひどい! 雨がすごく降ってきた!
How terrible! It started raining hard!

challenge man: