ラジオ英会話 Lesson 030 今週のREVIEW

Lesson026 目的語説明型 makeを使った使役構文

Brian: I got a call from my grandpa this morning. He wants to come over tomorrow.

Maria: Why?

Brian: He has a birthday present for you.

Maria: Oh, that’s so sweet of him. How is he coming here?

Brian: By train, as usual. I told him to walk from the station.

Maria: What? You can’t make him do that! It’s two kilometers to our house from the station.

Brian: I know, but his doctor says he needs some exercise.

Maria: But it’s going to rain tomorrow, I’ll pick him up.

Pick-Up Phrases

You can’t make him do that!

Lesson027 目的語説明型 haveを使った使役構文

Chloe: What’s wrong with your leg?

Noah: I hurt it at soccer practice yesterday.

Chloe: Oh, is it bad?

Noah: Well, I had the doctor look at it. She said I won’t be able to play for three weeks.

Chloe: Oh, so you can’t play in the big match next Saturday.

Noah: That’s right. My coach is upset, but there’s nothing I can do.

Chloe: That’s too bad.

Pick-Up Phrases

I had the doctor look at it. 

Lesson028 目的語説明型 使役動詞の使い分け・letを使った使役構文

Ms. Kato: How did your English class go?

Mr. Jones: It went well. I had my students write an essay about their holidays.

Ms. Kato: Sounds interesting. What did they write?

Mr. Jones: I let them write about any topic. One student wrote about her trip to Hokkaido.

Ms. Kato: Oh, I love Hokkaido. The food there is so delicious.

Mr. Jones: Right. Especially the wide variety of seafood.

Ms. Kato: This talk is making me hungry. Let’s go for lunch.

Pick-Up Phrases

I had my students write an essay about their holidays.
I let them write about any topic. 

Lesson029 目的語説明型 to 不定詞を説明語句として使う

Eric: Nicole, are you going to the rock event tomorrow?

Nicole: Of course, I can’t wait.

Eric: How are you going to the stadium?

Nicole: I’ll ask my dad to give me a ride.

Eric: But the baseball championship final is on TV at the same time.

Nicole: I know. And my dad really wants to watch it. But,,,

Eric: Well, good luck. I hope you can persuade him.

Nicole: I hope so too.

Pick-Up Phrases

I’ll ask my dad to give me a ride.





had better:  ~した方がいい
school nurse:  保健室の先生
leg: 脚


Are you OK?
You had better go and have the school nurse look at your leg right away.

大丈夫? すぐに保健室の先生に診てもらったほうがいいよ。


Oh, don’t cry, sweetie.
It’s just a little cut.
Let’s go and have the nurse clean it and put a plaster on it, OK?


sweetie 小さい子に対して使う呼びかけ。

challenge man: