ラジオ英会話 Lesson 205 今週のREVIEW

Lesson 201 仮定法の心理


Sam: Hi, Martha. What are you watching on your smartphone?

Martha: This is a selfie movie I took of my sister and me.

Sam: Can I see? Oh, she looks like you.

Martha: Everyone says that. Do you have any brothers or sisters, Sam?

Sam: I have three brothers.

Martha: Three brothers! Wow, it must be tough for your parents.

Sam: I suppose so. They’re kind but strict.

Martha: I wish I had a brother.

Sam: Really? Why?

Martha: My friend Misuzu has a younger brother, and they have a great relationship.

Sam: You have a sister and get along well with her, right?

Martha: Yes, but I’d like a cool brother, too.

Pick-Up Phrases

I wish I had a brother.


Lesson 202 if 節を使った仮定法: 現在の状況について仮定法を使う①


Emiko: My dream is to be a great tennis player like Naomi Osaka someday.

Corch: Well, you have a lot of talent, Emiko, but talent is not enough. If you practiced more, you would be a better player.

Emiko: I know that, but it’s hard to find the time to practice.

Corch: Nobody can become good without practicing, not even Naomi Osaka. Did you hear her interview yesterday?

Emiko: No. What did she say?

Corch: She said that while she is in training, she doesn’t eat her favorite dessert, green tea ice cream.

Emiko: Well, she has stronger willpower than me!


Pick-Up Phrases

If you practiced more, you would be a better player.

Lesson 203 if 節を使った仮定法: 現在の状況について仮定法を使う②


Kana: How was your weekend, Jeff?

Jeff: Fine, I suppose. I just stayed at home.

Kana: Why don’t you venture out and see a bit more of Japan?

Jeff: I want to, but I don’t have a car. If I had a car, I could go to many places.

Kana: You don’t need a car. Just use public transportation.

Jeff: I guess I could do that. Can you recommend any good places?

Kana: Well… Next weekend, I’m going to Mt. Takao with some of my friends. Would you like to come with us?

Jeff: Next weekend? I’d love to, but I have to work.

Kana: You work too much, Jeff.

Jeff: I know, but I love my job.


Pick-Up Phrases

If I had a car, I could go to many places.

Lesson 204 if 仮定法を使ったフレーズ


Akane: This will be our last time together.

Ryan: What? What do you mean?

Akane: Ryan, we can’t go on like this. We fight all the time. It’s no fun anymore.

Ryan: OK, I’ve made a few mistakes. I know I’m not perfect. I promise I’ll change, Akemi.

Akane: You always say that. It’s too late, Ryan. We’re not right for each other. It’s time we said goodbye.

Ryan: Wait a minute. We can work things out. I’ll be better in the future.

Akane: No, let’s stop wasting our time. You’ll find a better partner, and so will I.


Pick-Up Phrases

It’s time we said goodbye.






wherever you want to go : 君たちが行きたい場所どこにでも


Oh, I wish I could.

「実際にはできない」を wish を使って表しています。その後ろはバックシフトです。

If I had time, I would take you guys to the zoo or wherever you want to go.

「時間があったら」は、実際には時間がないので仮定法 If I had time となります。「wh 語+ ever」は whenever(いつでも)、 wherever(どこでも)、 whatever(何でも)など、選択肢を最大限広げる表現です。

But unfortunately, I have things to do. Just wait until next week, OK?

文頭に unfortunately(残念ながら・不運にも)を出すことにより、以下の内容が「残念な話」であることを指定しています。things to do の to は「これから」すること。


Oh, soory guys. You know I wish we could all go to the aquarium or wherever together.

I wish we could で「~できたらいいのになぁ」と反事実の文。

If I didn’t have so much work, I’d definitely take you.


The problem is I have a deadline to meet, so I’m afraid I’ll have to take a rain check, OK?

The problem is … は、be 動詞の後ろ、説明語句の位置に節を置き The problem を説明しています。a deadline to meet は a deadline を to 不定詞で説明する形。to は矢印であり「これから」をニュアンスに含みます。a rain check は、スポーツイベントなどで雨の場合配る雨天引換券。そこから take a rain check は「延期する」。

challenge man: