ラジオ英会話 Lesson 215 今週のREVIEW

Lesson 211 if 節を伴わない仮定法②


Tammy: So many people are here today. You look funny in a graduation cap and gown.

Greg: Thanks. You look funny, too. Look at this program. It says “Commencement Exercises,” not “Graduations Ceremony.”

Tammy: Yes, it’s a more formal way of saying the same thing.

Greg: Why is it called “commencement”?

Tammy: “Commencement” means starting something. So, our graduation is the start of our adult lives, not just the end of our college days.

Greg: Yes, I’m looking forward to starting my career in the real world. And I really have to thank my parents. Without their support, I couldn’t have graduated.

Pick-Up Phrases

Without their support, I couldn’t have graduated.


Lesson 212 仮定法プラス倒置


Charlie: Hi, Mayuri. You look a bit down. Is anything wrong?

Mayuri: Hi, Charlie. It’s my boyfriend. Recently, he’s been behaving strangely.

Charlie: How do you mean?

Mayuri: Well, for example, he cancels our date at the last minute with some lame excuse. And when we do get together, he seems more interested in his cell phone than me.

Charlie: Mmm… That’s not good at all. You know, we’re I your boyfriend, I would treat you much better.

Mayuri: Oh, that’s very sweet of you to say so, Charlie.

Charlie: I mean it! So why don’t you ditch him and be my girlfriend?

Mayuri: Huh?


Pick-Up Phrases

Were I your boyfriend, I would treat you much better.

Lesson 213 it の意味と機能


Ms. Evans: So, Tim, I’ve just finished reading your paper.

Tim: Oh, thank you Ms. Evans. I put a lot of effort into it, so I hope it’s OK.

Ms. Evans: Actually, it’s not OK.

Tim: Really? Why not?

Ms. Evans: Well, at least 60% is plagiarized. I told you clearly that you cannot copy another person’s writing. You must use your own words.

Tim: I’m really sorry. I’ve been very busy lately with my part-time job. It’s won’t happen again. I promise.

Ms. Evans: I certainly hope not. In any case, you have to rewrite this paper by Friday. Understood?

Tim: Absolutely. Thank you for giving me another chance.


Pick-Up Phrases

It won’t happen again.

Lesson 214 天候・距離・時間の it


Anabelle: Barry, let’s stop for a second. I think we’re lost.

Barry: OK, let me check. It’s good that smartphones come with a GPS, right? Without them, we’d easily get lost.

Anabelle: Yeah, we’re lucky. So, which way is the station?

Barry: That way. It’s five kilometers from here to the station. We should walk fast because it looks like it’s going to rain.

Anabelle: OK. I hope they have a restaurant near the station because I’m getting hungry.

Barry: Yeah, me too. I’m in the mood for a big bowl of curry and rice.

Anabelle: You always eat that on these hiking trips.

Barry: well, after all this exercise, my body craves spices.


Pick-Up Phrases

It’s five kilometers from here to the station.

Close up of unrecognizable woman writing on a paper with a pen.






appreciate : 感謝する


That was so close! There was only 30 minutes before the concert started.
That was so close!(ギリギリだったよ!)は覚えておいて損のないフレーズ。close と near は同じように「近い」と訳されますが、near は「A地点とB地点の距離が近い」という単語。close は体に迫ってくるような「身近さ」を含んでいるため close friend(親友)、close game(接戦)など幅広く使うことができます。
Without your help, I couldn’t have made it in time.
if 節のない仮定法が出てきました。「君の手助けがなければ」と条件がニュアンスに含まれています。過去の出来事について反事実を述べているため couldn’t have made it in time(間に合わなかったところだったよ)と過去完了形が使われています。it は漠然と「やりたかったこと」を示しており、made it で「成し遂げた」、となります。in time は「間に合って」です。
I really appreciate it.
I really appreciate it. は文全体を暗唱しましょう。頻繁に使います。


Man, I really thought I was going to miss the concert!
man は強い感情の動きを表す言葉。「ああ・おお・うわっ」など。be going to は現在の状況が念頭にあり「こういうことになる」という流れが意識されています。
Without your coming to the rescue, I surely wouldn’t have got to the hall in time.
without の後ろが if 節的な内容を持っています。「君が助けに来なければ」。後続はやはり反事実を表す形。wouldn’t have got to で「着くことはできなかっただろう」。
I can’t thank you enough.

challenge man: