ラジオ英会話 Lesson 025 今週のReview

Listening Challenge!


Listening Challenge!

Lesson 021 for のイメージ :向かって

Sushi Master: Welcome to the Edomae Sushi Workshop. Today we’re going to learn how to make real Edomae sushi.

Mila: Excuse me. May I ask a question?

Sushi Master: Sure, go ahead.

Mila: What does “Edomae” mean?

Sushi Master: Ah, good question. Edo is the old name for Tokyo, and “Mae” means “in front of.” Basically, it refers to sushi made in the Tokyo style.

Mila: Thank you. And what is that long knife for?

Sushi Master: This is a special knife for preparing sashimi.

Mila: Wow!


Listening Challenge!

What is the woman attending?
A Japanese cooking class.

Lesson 022 for のイメージ :「向って」の連想

Gina: Dad, what are you doing down there on the ground?

Dad: I’m looking for the car key.

Gina: Did you drop it?

Dad: I must have because I can’t find it anywhere.

Gina: Did you check your pockets?

Dad: Of course!

Gina: Well, we could go back to the mall and check the stores we went to.

Dad: I’m tired.

Gina: What about your shirt pocket?

Dad: Huh? Oh, yeah. Here it is. What a relief!

Gina: Dad, please be more careful.


Listening Challenge!

Where was the key?
In the dad’s shirt’s pocket.

Lesson 023 for のイメージ :範囲・その他

Bernie: I’m so excited. I’ve always wanted to see real sumo here.

Mariko: We’re lucky to have these seats.

Bernie: Yes, we’re so close to the ring. By the way, why do the wrestlers throw salt it?

Mariko: To purify it. Sumo used to be a religious ceremony to honor the gods.

Bernie: Interesting. So, what’s the name of this small guy?

Mariko: That’s Hiroto-umi. He’s very popular.

Bernie: He’s small for a sumo wrestler.

Mariko: That’s true, but he’s very strong.


Listening Challenge!

Who is Hiroto-umi?
A sumo wrestler.

Lesson 024 to のイメージ : 指し示す

Elly: Hi, Daiki. How was your long holiday?

Daiki: It was nice and relaxing. I went to my hometown, Hamamatsu, with my wife.

Elly: Did you do anything special there?

Daiki: Actually, yes, I did. I went to the annual Hamamatsu Festival.

Elly: Great. What kind of festival is it?

Daiki: They have big kites that are about six to ten tatami mats in size.

Elly: Wow, that’s huge. Was it crowded?

Daiki: Yes, I’ve never seen so many people at that event.


Listening Challenge!

Which is true?
Daiki is from Hamamatsu.






book : ~を予約する


Why are you so upset ?


I’ve been waiting for you for one hour.
「have + been +動詞 -ing形」の現在完了進行形の形です。過去から今に至るまで「ずっと~している」。for one hour は「範囲限定の for」が使われています。
最高級イタリアンレストランに7時に席を予約したのを覚えている? もう7時30分よ。
Do you remember we booked a table at a top Italian restaurant for 7 o’clock? And it’s 7:30 now.
Do you remember …? は「覚えている?」。remember の後ろに節を置きその内容を説明しましょう。 for 7 o’clock は「7時に向けて」。book と for は相性が良い。
It takes around 15 minutes to get to the restaurant, so let’s hurry!
文全体は it … to ~の形。get to は「着く」。


一体どこへ行ってたの? 時間は見た?
Where on earth have you been? Have you seen the time?
on earth は「一体全体」。wh 疑問文を強調するために使われます。have you been、have you seen と、現在完了形が使われているのは今に至る時間の流れが意識されているから。
イタリアンレストランの予約は7時だって覚えていないの? もう30分も遅れているよ。
Don’t you remember that our booking at the Italian restaurant is for 7 o’clock? We’re 30 minutes late already!
Don’t you remember …? は「覚えていないの?」。非難のニュアンスが感じられる否定疑問文。ここでは booking(予約)と名詞が使われ、その説明が for 7 o’clock.
It will take at least 15 minutes to get there, so we’d better get a move on.
at least は「少なくとも」。least は little の最上級(最小)。at の「点」が意識されており「最小の場合(点)で」。get a move on は「急ぐ」。

challenge man:
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