ラジオ英会話 Lesson 075 今週の Review

Listening Challenge!


Listening Challenge!

Lesson 071 makeの「目的語説明型」

Fiona: I can’t stand my math teacher.

Lou: Why? I thought she was one of the most popular teachers.

Fiona: No way! She’s far too strict.

Lou: So, what did she do to you to get you so angry with her?

Fiona: Well, I was a bit late handing in my homework, and she made me do lots of extra work.

Lou: How late were you exactly?

Fiona: Just one week.

Lou: A week! No wonder she punished you!

Fiona: Hey, whose side are you on?


Listening Challenge!

Q1; Which of the following is true?
A: The girl likes her math teacher.
B: The girl had to do additional homework.
C: The boy agreed with the girl.

B: The girl had to do additional homework.

Lesson 072 have の「目的語説明型」

Mr. Kato: Well, Ms. Kelly, I hope I have answered all your questions about our company.

Ms. Kelly: Thank you. I’m looking forward to meeting you in Tokyo. Please let me know your schedule as soon as you can, so that I can book my flight.

Mr. Kato: OK, I will have my assistant fax it to you right away.

Ms. Kelly: Fax? Sorry, we don’t have a fax machine.

Mr. Kato: What should I do then? Everything is handwritten.

Ms. Kelly: Can you scan it and email it?

Mr. Kato: Oh, I will ask her.

Ms. Kelly: Thank you, Mr. Kato.


Listening Challenge!

Q2: What does Ms. Kelly need?
A: A new assistant.
B: Mr. Kato’s flight number.
C: Mr. Kato’s schedule.

C: Mr. Kato’s schedule.

Lesson 073 「作る」のレベル2動詞:build、construct、produce

Laurel: Hi, Yannie. Do you want to see the latest photos of Duke?

Yannie: Sure. He must be pretty big by now.

Laurel: You can say that again. Take a look.

Yannie: Wow! He’s enormous!

Laurel: Right. German Shepherds grow fast. So now I have to build a new dog kennel.

Yannie: Do you know how to do that?

Laurel: Well, I just googled how to do it, and it turns out to be a piece of cake.


Listening Challenge!

Q3: Why does the woman need a new kennel?
A: Because the current one is broken.
B: Because she got a new dog.
C: Because her dog got bigger.

C: Because her dog got bigger.

Lesson 074 いろいろな「破壊」:ruin、break、destroy

Cassie: Hi, Gerald. How was your trip to Hawaii?

Gerald: Hi, Cassie. Not so good, I’m afraid.

Cassie: Really? How come?

Gerald: Well, I got a toothache there, and it ruined the whole trip.

Cassie: Oh, that’s too bad. Couldn’t you find a dentist in Hawaii?

Gerald: I didn’t want to spend time looking for one.

Cassie: Are you OK now?

Gerald: Yes. I went to the dentist here.

Cassie: Good. So how about grabbing a bite to eat?

Gerald: Excellent idea. I’m starving.


Listening Challenge!

Q4: Which of the following is true?
A: Gerald didn’t enjoy his trip.
B: Gerald didn’t go to Hawaii.
C: Gerald found a dentist in Hawaii.

A: Gerald didn’t enjoy his trip.






a plastic model kit : プラモデル
on top of that : その上


Hey. You sound sad. What’s up?


Actually, I broke up with my boyfriend. He ruined my birthday.
He started a part-time job a couple of months ago, and I thought that was for me.
a couple of 「2~3の」。I thought that was for me. では時制の一致が行われています。
But what I got was a plastic model kit of a car, and on top of that he made me build it!
wh 節 what I got が主語。「私が何を得たのか=私が得たモノ」ということ。on top of that 「その上」。積み上げたものの top にさらに、ということ。悪いことが積み重なるときによく使われます。


うん、僕のガールフレンドが突然別れたいって言い出したんだよ。僕の誕生日のお祝いをしている、まさにその時に! 僕の特別な夜が台無しにされたというわけ。
Well,my girlfriend suddenly announced she wanted to break up, right as we were celebrating my birthday! She ruined my special day.
announced は「発表する・言い放つ」。
She found a part-time job a while ago and had me believe it was in order to save money for my present.
a while ago は「しばらく前に」。had me believe … は have の目的語説明型。「me = believe という状況を持った」。彼女のそうした行為が、私が信じるという状況に導いたということ。in order to は「~するために」。
But all she gave me was a plastic model car kit that I have to build myself!
all she gave me は「彼女が私にくれた全て」。

challenge man:
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