ラジオ英会話 Lesson 188 主語位置の空所

ラジオ英会話 Lesson 188 主語位置の空所

Key Sentence

That’s the painting that impressed me the most.

Today’s dialog

Sally: Bob, when did you start painting?

Bob: Oh, I’ve always been painting.

Sally: I know you drew pictures as a kid, but when did you seriously start painting?

Bob: In junior high school.

Sally: And you’ve been to a lot of museums around the world, right?

Bob: Yes, I’ve seen a lot of great art.

Sally: Is there any one painting that stands out to you?

Bob: Yes, there was one by Picasso: Guernica. That’s the painting that impressed me the most.

Sally: Did you go all the way to Spain to see it?

Bob: I did.

Grammar and Vocabulary

I’ve always been painting.
Did you go all the way to Spain to see it?

Target Forms

Key Sentence

That’s the painting that impressed me the most.


Is there any one painting that stands out to you?

I’m a guy who prefers simple things.

My sister has a kid who is in high school.


Grammar in Action

①私は5人掛けのカウチを持っています。 それがリビングルームのほとんどを占めています。
I have a couch that seats five. It takes up most of the living room.
②ヘイリーは私の心を盗んだ女の子です。 それはひと目ぼれでした。
Hayley is the girl who stole my heart. It was love at first sight.
③私は、本当に私を驚かせたうわさを聞きました。 どうやら、ジョンとベッキーはつきあい始めたようです!
I heard a rumor that really surprised me. Apparently, John and Becky started dating!


seriously: 本気で、真剣に
stand out: 際立つ、目立つ
impress: 強い印象を与える
all the way to ~: はるばる~まで

challenge man: