ラジオ英会話 Lesson 196 高度な関係代名詞節修飾

ラジオ英会話 Lesson 196 高度な関係代名詞節修飾

Key Sentence

This is the part that I think is strange.

Today’s dialog

Aki: Brendan, you’re spending too much time on this time capsule thing.

Peacock: I know, Aki, but I can’t help it. I’ve got to know how that smartphone got in there.

Aki: It doesn’t work, right?

Peacock: No, it’s all rusted inside.

Aki: You know, there was something in Kinzo’s letter that sounded strange.

Peacock: Oh? Would you show me?

Aki: Here. This is the part that I think is strange.

Peacock: What does it say?

Aki: “She gave it to me after we met Mr. Dickens.”

Peacock: Charles Dickens, the novelist?

Aki: He doesn’t say his full name.

Grammar and Vocabulary

It doesn’t work, right?
There was something in Kinzo’s letter that sounded strange.

Target Forms

Key Sentence

This is the part that I think is strange.


This is an outcome I didn’t think was possible.

This is the dish that we found too spicy.

She is the woman I asked to give a speech.

She follows me everywhere (that) I go.


Grammar in Action

①ブラッドは、いつか私が結婚してもいいと思う人です。 彼は本当に優しいのです!
Brad is the kind of guy that I think I could marry someday. He’s so kind!
②こんにちは。 私は、ケンがあなたを助けるように頼んだ者です。 何かお困りですか?
Hi. I’m the person who Ken asked to help you. What’s the trouble?
③これは、もう手に入らないと私が思うカメラです。 彼らは何年も前にそれらを作るのをやめました。
This is a camera I don’t think is available anymore. They stopped making them years ago.


can’t help ~: ~を(やめたくても)やめられない
have got to ~ [have to ~] ~しなければならない
rusted: さびついた
outcome: 結果
available: 利用・入手可能な

challenge man: