ラジオ英会話 Lesson 193 関係副詞節による修飾 ①- where


ラジオ英会話 Lesson 193 関係副詞節による修飾①- where

Key Sentence

This is the room where I do most of my songwriting.

Today’s dialog

Stacy: Hi, Bill. Oh, am I disturbing you?

Bill: Hi, Stacy. Not at all. Have a seat. I’m just working out a few chords on my guitar.

Stacy: Are you writing a new song?

Bill: A couple, actually.

Stacy: Wow, so this is where it all begins, huh?

Bill: Yes, this is the room where I do most of my songwriting.

Stacy: What you were just playing sounded pretty cool.

Bill: Thanks. It’s inspired by Vivaldi.

Stacy: Vivaldi? You like classical music?

Bill: Sure. Who doesn’t?

Grammar and Vocabulary

I’m just working out a few chords on my guitar.
What you were just playing sounded pretty cool.

Target Forms

Key Sentence

This is the room where I do most of my songwriting.


This is the park where I relax on weekends.

This is the park where I go when I need to think.

This is a situation where we have to think outside the box.

She follows me everywhere (that) I go.


Grammar in Action



work out: 仕上げる、練習する
disturb: 邪魔をする
chord: (楽器演奏の) コード、和音
inspire: 刺激を与える、インスピレーションを与える

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