ラジオ英会話 Lesson 202 形容詞による修飾② 形容詞フレーズ

ラジオ英会話 Lesson 202 形容詞による修飾② 形容詞フレーズ

Key Sentence

Teaching is a rewarding but demanding job.

Today’s dialog

Anton: Megan, I’m so tired after teaching all day.

Megan: Me, too. Teaching is a rewarding but demanding job. It’s definitely hard work.

Anton: How are your students?

Megan: They’re amazing. All my students are bright and hardworking.

Anton: So are mine. I’m sure some of them will contribute to the world someday.

Megan: Yeah, who knows? Maybe you’re teaching some future leaders.

Anton: Perhaps so. You know…maybe we can inspire them more.

Megan: How?

Anton: I was thinking about doing a time capsule project.

Megan: Oh, so they can look forward to the future!

Anton: Exactly.

Grammar and Vocabulary

So are mine.
I’m sure some of them will contribute to the world someday.

Target Forms

Key Sentence

Teaching is a rewarding but demanding job.


It was a long and difficult journey.

It was a long, though [albeit] easy test.

All my students are bright and hardworking.


Grammar in Action

There is no quick and easy way to lose weight. It takes time.
②これは頑丈ですが、とても重いテーブルです。 それを持ち上げるのに4人必要です。
This is a sturdy but very heavy table. It requires four people to lift it.
③エドは正直で信頼するに足る人です。 彼はこの仕事に適任です。
Ed is an honest and trustworthy person. He’s perfect for the job.


demanding: 骨の折れる、きつい
contribute: 貢献する
Who knows? 誰にもわかりません。/ひょっとすると(ありえます)。
inspire: 刺激を与える、励ます
take time: 時間がかかる
sturdy: 頑丈な・丈夫な
require: 必要とする
trustworthy: 信用できる

challenge man: