ラジオ英会話 Lesson 201 指定ルール – 基礎

ラジオ英会話 Lesson 201 指定ルール – 基礎

Key Sentence

Can I get a free sample?

Today’s dialog

Jonas: Yayoi, that was an excellent presentation you gave on our latest product.

Yayoi: Thanks, Jonas. This new pillow will stimulate your brain and give you a good night’s rest.

Jonas: I actually need one of these special pillows myself. I haven’t been sleeping well recently.

Yayoi: Well, why don’t you test one out at home?

Jonas: Can I get a free sample?

Yayoi: Let me ask the product development team.

Jonas: Great. And if I sleep well, I’d be happy to review it for you.

Yayoi: Sounds good.

Grammar and Vocabulary

That was an excellent presentation you gave on our latest product.
I haven’t been sleeping well recently.

Target Forms

Key Sentence

Can I get a free sample?


I want a red jacket.

I want a stylish jacket.

I want a warm jacket.

I want a lightweight jacket.

I want a denim jacket.

an excellent presentation

our latest product

my only daughter

the main road


Grammar in Action

①ちょっと休憩してもよろしいでしょうか? 息切れしています。
Can I please take a short break? I’m out of breath.
②ああ、見て! ゴードンがここにいます。 彼は私の元上司なのです。 あなたを紹介しますよ。
Oh, look! Gordon’s here. He’s my former boss. I’ll introduce you.
③ここには秘密の通路がありました。 使用人たちが昔使っていたのです。
There was a secret passageway here. Servants used it a long time ago.


stimulate: 刺激する
free sample: 試供品
test ~ out: ~を試してみる
review: 評価記事・批評記事を書く

challenge man: