ラジオ英会話 Lesson 223 疑問文 – 基礎

ラジオ英会話 Lesson 223 疑問文 – 基礎

Key Sentence

Are you a real estate agent?

Today’s dialog

Mr. Emori: Hello, are you a real estate agent?

Barbara: I am. Here’s my card. I’m Barbara. Please, have a seat.

Mr. Emori: Thank you. May I ask you a question?

Barbara: Of course.

Mr.Emori: Do you happen to buy old houses?

Barbara: Yes, we buy as well as sell properties. Are you Who thinking about selling?

Mr. Emori: I’m thinking about it. Does your company have a website?

Barbara: It certainly does. Here’s the address.

Mr.Emori: Good. Everything is online these days, isn’t it?

Barbara: Yes, it’s very convenient.

Grammar and Vocabulary

May I ask you a question?
It certainly does.

Target Forms

Key Sentence

Are you a real estate agent?


Do you happen to buy old houses?

Does your company have a website?

Have you met him before?

Can you do this?


Grammar in Action

①彼女はあなたのすべての質問に答えましたか? そうでなければ、私は最善を尽くして手伝います。
Did she answer all your questions? If not, I’ll try my best to help.
②彼はかっこよかった? 彼は電話ではかっこよさそうに聞こえたけど。
Was he good-looking? He sounded good-looking on the phone.
③私はここにいるべきじゃない? これはプライベートな会話のように感じ ます。
Should I not be here? This feels like a private conversation.


happen to ~: たまたま・ひょっとして~する
property: 不動産(物件)
try one’s best to ~: ~するよう最善を尽くす
feel like ~: ~のように感じる

challenge man: