ラジオ英会話 Lesson 224 Wh 疑問文の標準形 – 3点セット①

ラジオ英会話 Lesson 224 Wh 疑問文の標準形 – 3点セット①

Key Sentence

What have you done to my smartphone?

Today’s dialog

Megan: Anton, what have you done to my smartphone?

Anton: I haven’t touched your smartphone. What’s wrong with it?

Megan: Nothing. It’s working again. But I haven’t charged it. And there’s something else.

Anton: What?

Megan: I got a message.

Anton: What? Who could possibly send you a message in this era?

Megan: It’s from Zaytox.

Anton: Who’s Zaytox?

Megan: You’ll find out soon enough. He’s an alien I met on Mars a long time ago.

Anton: An alien? What planet is he from?

Megan: Vega 6. It’s a long story…

Grammar and Vocabulary

I haven’t touched your smartphone.
He’s an alien I met on Mars a long time ago.

Target Forms

Key Sentence

What have you done to my smartphone?


Who do you like?

Which do you like, snakes or lizards?

Whose is that?

Who did you go to the party with?


Grammar in Action

①あなたは何を注文しましたか? 私たちがシェアできるように、私は何か別のものを頼みますね。
What did you order? I’ll order something else, so we can share.
②たった今誰と電話していたのですか? あなたが何かに興奮しているように聞こえましたが。
Who were you calling just now? You sounded excited about something.
③あなたは何を望んでいたのですか? これはあなたが欲しかった結果でしょうか?
What were you hoping for? Is this the result you wanted?


What’s wrong with ~?: ~はどこか具合・調子が悪いのですか?
work: 機能する、作動する
charge: ~に充電する
possibly: もしかすると、ひょっとして、一体

challenge man:
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