ラジオ英会話 Lesson 209 副詞による修飾 ④ 確信の度合いを表す副詞


ラジオ英会話 Lesson 209 副詞による修飾 ④ 確信の度合いを表す副詞

Key Sentence

You probably have heard about Mr.Charles Dickens.

Today’s dialog

Megan: Kinzo! What are you doing here?

Kinzo: Hello. I wanted to see how you and Anton were doing.

Megan: That’s so kind of you.

Kinzo: Are you enjoying being teachers?

Megan: Yes, we are. Is that the only reason you came?

Kinzo: Also, I wanted to invite you to an event in London.

Megan: What kind of event?

Kinzo: You probably have heard about Mr. Charles Dickens.

Megan: The novelist?

Kinzo: Yes. He is going to read from his novels at a London bookshop.

Megan: Charles Dickens! I definitely have to go! When is it?

Kinzo: Next Saturday.

Grammar and Vocabulary

I wanted to see how you and Anton were doing.
Are you enjoying being teachers?

Target Forms

Key Sentence

You probably have heard about Mr.Charles Dickens.


We will surely come here again.

We will certainly come here again.

Maybe he’s off sick.

Perhaps he’s off sick.

He possibly forgot about us.


Grammar in Action



be kind of +(人〉: (人)は親切だ
invite A to B: AをBに招待する
novelist: 小説家
read: 朗読する
possibly: もしかすると・ことによると
earlier: 前に
mention: (手短に)言う・触れる 動詞 -ing 形を伴い「~すると言う」
take a wrong turn: 道・方向を誤る

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