ラジオ英会話 Lesson 208 副詞による修飾 ③ 頻度を表す副詞


ラジオ英会話 Lesson 208 副詞による修飾 ③ 頻度を表す副詞

Key Sentence

You hardly ever go to the gym on Saturday mornings.

Today’s dialog

Nami: Yoshi, what time is it? Are you going to the gym now?

Yoshi: Good morning, Nami. It’s 8:15. Yeah, I wanted to go early today.

Nami: You hardly ever go to the gym on Saturday mornings.

Yoshi: I heard that mornings are more effective.

Nami: But you haven’t lost that much weight. Are you really working out there?

Yoshi: Yes, but I take it easy. And I eat a large ramen afterwards.

Nami: You should never eat a heavy lunch after a workout.

Yoshi: I know. I just can’t help myself.

Grammar and Vocabulary

You haven’t lost that much weight.
I take it easy.

Target Forms

Key Sentence

You hardly ever go to the gym on Saturday mornings.


I always go to the gym.

I usually go to the gym.

I often go to the gym.

I frequently go to the gym.

I regularly go to the gym.

He’s sometimes late.

He’s occasionally late.

He’s seldom late.

He’s rarely late.

He’s never late.

You should never be late for class.

Do you ever go to the gym?


Grammar in Action



effective: 効果的な
heavy: (量が)たっぷりの、(食べ物が)油っこい
can’t help oneself: 自分を抑えられない

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