ラジオ英会話 Lesson 229 wh 疑問文の完成


ラジオ英会話 Lesson 229 wh 疑問文の完成

Key Sentence

Who would you like to come to the party?

Today’s dialog

Takuma: Hey, Kelly, thanks for inviting my friend Joe Kobayashi to your program the other day.


Thanks for suggesting him as a guest. He’s funny. He seemed like a real party animal.

Takuma: Yeah, Joe loves parties. Speaking of parties, are we going to hold a St. Patrick’s Day party this year?

Kelly: Sure, let’s do it. Who would you like to come to the party?

Takuma: Koba-chan.

Kelly: Who?

Takuma Koba-chan. You know, Joe Kobayashi.

Kelly: Oh, good idea. He can tell jokes at the party.

Takuma: Right? He’d be down for that, I’m sure.

Grammar and Vocabulary

Thanks for inviting my friend Joe Kobayashi to your program the other day.
He seemed like a real party animal.

Target Forms

Key Sentence

Who would you like to come to the party?


What kinds of questions do you want to be asked during the interview?

How did you find the film?

Who do you think is best for the job?


Grammar in Action



party animal: パーティーが大好きな人
speaking of ~: ~と言えば
St. Patrick’s Day: 聖パトリックデー (3月17日に祝われる)
be down for ~: ~にとても乗り気・賛成で

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