ラジオ英会話 Lesson 226 Wh 疑問文の標準形 – 3点セット②
Key Sentence
Why did they change the word?
Today’s dialog
Kelly: And we’re back. Today’s guest is a stand-up comedian from Japan. Let’s welcome Joe Kobayashi.
Joe: Thank you, Kelly.
Kelly: So Joe, tell me, how did you get started as a comedian?
Joe: I started in Asakusa in Tokyo. I gave jinrikisha tours.
Kelly: Oh, you mean rickshaw tours.
Joe: Right, you Americans say “rickshaw.” Why did they change the word?
Kelly: Maybe it was hard to pronounce? Anyway, where does the comedy part come in?
Joe: On the job, I told jokes to the tourists in English.
Kelly: Oh, interesting!
Grammar and Vocabulary
So Joe, tell me, how did you get started as a comedian?
Maybe it was hard to pronounce?
Target Forms
Key Sentence
Why did they change the word?
How did you get started as a comedian?
When did you get started as a comedian?
Where does the comedy part come in?
How come you came here?
Grammar in Action
Why did that shop close down? It always had so many customers.
When can I come visit? It’s been ages since I last saw you.
Where do you want to eat lunch? I’ll eat anything, so it’s your call.
stand-up comedian: お笑い芸人
get started: 始める
rickshaw: リクショー、人力車
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