ラジオ英会話 Lesson 227 主語を尋ねる wh 疑問文

ラジオ英会話 Lesson 227 主語を尋ねる wh 疑問文

Key Sentence

Who told you it was my song?

Today’s dialog

Stacy: Derek, Derek, did you hear the news?

Derek: Whoa, whoa, calm down, Stacy. What news?

Stacy: Your song “Spirits” is number one on the charts!

Derek: Really? Wat My song? Who told you it was my song?

Stacy: Come on, Derek, I know you’re the one who wrote it.

Derek: Well, I wrote the music. But the lyrics were written by Bell and me together. Mostly by Bill.

Stacy: Well I’ve decided to name our next tour “The Spirits Tour”

Derek: That’s totally epic, Stacy!

Grammar and Vocabulary

The lyrics were written by Bill and me together.
I’ve decided to name our next tour “The Spirits Tour.”

Target Forms

Key Sentence

Who told you it was my song?


Who could possibly send you a message in this era?

What’s wrong with it?

What makes you say that?

What gave you that impression?

What gives you the right to touch my things?

Who cares?

Who asked you?

Who died and made you king?


Grammar in Action

①コーヒーを飲みたい人はいますか? 入れたてですよ。
who wants coffee? I made a fresh pot.
②何がこの絵をインスパイアしたのでしょうか? その後ろに物語りがあるにちがいありません。
What inspired this painting? There must be a story behind it.
③何があなたに自分が正しいとそんなに確信させるのですか? どんな証拠をあなたは持っているのですか?
What makes you so sure you’re right? What evidence do you have?


calm down: 落ち着く
Come on: やめてよ
epic: 素晴らしい、最高の
a fresh pot: 入れたてのコーヒー

challenge man: