ラジオ英会話 Lesson 234 あいづち疑問文

ラジオ英会話 Lesson 234 あいづち疑問文

Key Sentence

I can give you a ride back to the future. – Oh, can you?

Today’s dialog

Megan: Zaytox! What are you doing here?

Zaytox: Hello, Megan. It has been a long time since we met on your Mars base.

Megan: How can you be here… in 1865?!

Zaytox: Allow me to explain. I accidentally brought you here from the future.

Megan: You did? How?

Zaytox: I caused a time warp to occur. You were near my spaceship at the time.

Megan: We got caught in your time warp? So that’s how we got here!

Zaytox: Yes, exactly. It wasn’t my intention, and I’ve been looking for you since.

Megan: Can you undo our being here?

Zaytox: No. But I can give you a ride back to the future.

Megan: Oh, can you?

Zaytox: Yes.

Grammar and Vocabulary

I caused a time warp to occur.
I’ve been looking for you since.

Target Forms

Key Sentence

I can give you a ride back to the future. – Oh, can you?


1 I’m going to London this year. – Oh, are you?

I just love this band. – Oh, do you?

I’ve been to Vegas. – Oh, have you?


Grammar in Action

My dog ran away last week.

①え、そうなんですか? それは本当にお気の毒に。 戻ってくることを願っていますよ。
Oh, did it? I’m really sorry to hear that. I hope it comes back.

I’m actually fluent in Spanish.

②え、そうなんですか? それはすばらしいですね。 これが何て言っているか読めますか?
Oh, are you? That’s impressive. Can you read what this says?

Tom and Louis have stepped out for a while.

③あ、そうなんですか? それはかまいません。 彼らに私が立ち寄ったと伝えていただけますか?
Oh, have they? That’s OK. Can you please tell them I stopped by?


accidentally: 誤って、偶然に
time warp: 時間のゆがみ、タイムワープ
occur: 起こる、生じる
intention: 意図
undo: なかったことにする、取り消す
step out: 席を外す
stop by: 立ち寄る

challenge man:
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