ラジオ英会話 Lesson 233 付加疑問文

ラジオ英会話 Lesson 233 付加疑問文

Key Sentence

She’s quite assertive, isn’t she?

Today’s dialog

Lucy: Hello. You’re Mr. Kerr, the new science teacher, aren’t you?

Anton: Yes, I am. And may I ask your name, please?

Lucy: I’m Lucy Robinson. It’s a pleasure to make your acquaintance, sir.

Anton: You don’t have to be so formal.

Lucy: Oh, it’s the way we’re taught at this school.

Anton: I see. It’s a good school, isn’t it?

Lucy: Yes, I quite like it. Do you know the new geography teacher?

Anton: Megan? Yes, we are well-acquainted.

Lucy: She’s quite assertive, isn’t she?

Anton: Assertive? Yes, that she is.

Grammar and Vocabulary

You don’t have to be so formal.
It’s the way we’re taught at this school.

Target Forms

Key Sentence

She’s quite assertive, isn’t she?


Lucy likes it, doesn’t she?

Nancy hasn’t been to Tokyo, has she?

I’m your friend, aren’t I?

I’m your friend, am I not?


Grammar in Action

①うわぁ、電車が止まってしまった。 私たちは遅刻しませんよね?
Uh-oh, the train stopped. We’re not going to be late, are we?
②あなたは私の前にここに着きましたよね? あなたは、もうホテルの部屋にチェックインしましたか?
You arrived here before me, didn’t you? Have you checked into your hotel room yet?
③ここで何が起こったのか、誰にも知られてはいけない。 秘密にしてくれるよね?
No one can know what happened here. You’ll keep it a secret, won’t you?


make someone’s acquaintance: 〈人〉と知り合いになる
well-acquainted: よく知っている

challenge man:
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