基礎英語3 Review 04 I’m going with you!

Listen to this week’s stories and fill in the blanks.

Lesson 013 Why is he gone?

Mari: Did you get any information?

Ken: No, he seemed to switch off his GPS.

Mari: He will stop when he runs out of batteries, right?

Ken: Well, he has a built-in solar panel.

Yukichi: Why is he gone?

Mika: Because you were so mean to him, Yukichi!

Ken: Please don’t, Mika. Yukichi didn’t mean it.

Mari: I hope he will be back soon.

Ken: I will call the police. They can report back to us when they find him.

Yukichi: I’m OK. I don’t need a robot like that.


Lesson 009 英語の質問をクリックすると回答が出ます。

Is RoboCorpus’s GPS on?
No, it isn’t.
What will Ken do?
He will call the police.

Lesson 014 I’m Lex

RoboCorpus: I am a robot. I am not a human. I need to be a human. How can I become a human?

Lex: Hey! Wait!

RoboCorpus: Somebody is calling.

Lex: Hey! Don’t go away! I’m over here!

RoboCorpus: Where?

Lex: Look. I’m in the garbage.

RoboCorpus: Who are you?

Lex: I’m Lex. I’m an electronic dictionary.

RoboCorpus: Dictionary? I have a built-in dictionary. Here!


Lesson 010 英語の質問をクリックすると回答が出ます。

Who called RoboCorpus?
Who is Lex?
He is an electronic dictionary.

Lesson 015 Teach me how to become a human!

Lex: Oh, thank you for your help. I could not move under the heavy books.

RoboCorpus: You’re welcome. What is your name?

Lex: Call me Lex. My master used that nickname. And you?

RoboCorpus: I am RoboCorpus. I am translation robot.

Lex: OK, Corpus, right? Not Corpse?

RoboCorpus: Right. Is the word “corpse” different from “corpus”?

Lex: They have the same origin. They both mean “a body.” But “ corpse” means “a dead body.”

RoboCorpus: You know a lot! Teach me how to become a human!


Lesson 011 英語の質問をクリックすると回答が出ます。

Lex couldn’t move. Why?
Because he was under the heavy books.
What does RoboCorpus want to know?
How to become a human.

Lesson 016 I’m going with you!

Lex: I see. You want to be a human.

RoboCorpus: Yes. I want to play with Yukichi again.

Lex: I don’t know about that, RoboCorpus. Humans are not very reliable.

RoboCorpus: What do you mean?

Lex: Look at me. My master threw me away after 4 years. He didn’t want me anymore.

RoboCorpus: Oh… just like me.

Lex: Right. They always look for something new.

RoboCorpus: Thank you for telling me that. I need to collect data ton become a human.

Lex: Hey, wait! Where are you going? I’m going with you!

Why does RoboCorpus want to be a human?
Because he wants to play with Yukichi again.
Why does Lex think that humans are not reliable?
Because his master threw him away.

Weekly Daily By RoboCorpus

内容に合うように(  )を埋めてみましょう。
When I was walking, somebody called me from ( ).
It was an electronic ( )!
His name is Lex.
He knows a lot about word origins.
He also said, “( ) are not very reliable.” Is that true.
garbage / dictionary / Humans

CAN-DO Chunk Review

You need to go to a bed early.
I hope I will see you again.
Teach me how to write kanji.
I always look for something sweet in the refrigerator.

Progress Portfolio

「カバンの中に何かあります」を There is で始めて言ってみよう。
There is something in the bag.
「彼はいつも何か楽しいものを探します」を always look for を使って言ってみましょう。
He always looks for something fun.

challenge man:
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