基礎英語3 Review 08 And it’s started raining

Listen to this week’s stories and fill in the blanks.

Lesson 029 He has a secret

Jukichi: Now you know why he comes here every week.

RoboCorpus: How long have you known him?

Jukichi: Well, I’ve known him for a few months.

Lex: Oh, no. She’s been missing that long? I don’t think he will find her then.

RoboCorpus: But that boy trusts her because of their promise.

Lex: RoboCorpus, life isn’t that simple.

Jukichi: Anyway, he never gives up. So I stay with him when he comes. He reminds me of my younger days.

RoboCorpus: I want to talk to him. Please introduce me.

Lex: Oh, come on!

RoboCorpus: He has a secret, Lex! Don’t you want to know more about it?

Lex: A secret! OK, let’s find out more.

Jukichi: You two are strange….



What does the boy remind Jukichi of.
His younger days.
What does RoboCorpus want to do?
He wants to talk to the boy.

Lesson 030 I promise to never leave

Boy: Hi, Turtle…. who are you?

RoboCorpus: Hello. My name is RoboCorpus. I’m a translation robot.

Boy: Oh, hello. I’m Asahi. Why are you here?

RoboCorpus: I saw you with the turtle yesterday, and I want to help.

Asahi: Help? How?

RoboCorpus: Here is a quote about promises:
“If you promise to say, I promise to never leave.”

Asahi: I see… that means she is still here, maybe.

RoboCorpus: Oh, here is another one:
“A promise is a cloud, fulfillment is rain.”

Asahi: Fulfillment is rain… maybe I should come here when it rains. Thank you, Robo! That is a good piece of advice. I’ll be back. Bye.

Lex: RoboCorpus, you only gave him your corpus examples!



What is the boy’s name?
What does RoboCorpus want to do?
He wants to help.

Lesson 031 And it’s started raining

RoboCorpus: Good morning.

Jukichi: The weather does not look good today.

Lex: It’s going to rain.

RoboCorpus: Is Asahi coming?

Jukichi: As far as I can remember, he’s never shown up on rainy days. But you gave him that quote, remember?

RoboCorpus: Oh, “A promise is a cloud,” …

Lex: “Fulfillment is rain” … do you think something will happen?

Jukichi: That I don’t know …

RoboCorpus: By the way, what does that sentence mean?

Lex: RoboCorpus! You gave it to him without even knowing the meaning?

RoboCorpus: I just produced the data for the search word, “promise.”

Lex: Oh, give me a break…

Jukichi: Quiet. Look. It’s him!

RoboCorpus: And it’s started raining….



How is the weather?
It does not look good. / it’s started raining.
Does Asahi come?
Yes, he does.

Lesson 032 What’s happening!?

Asahi: Hi, I’m here.

RoboCorpus: Good morning, Asahi.

Asahi: Oh, Robo! Are you OK in this rain?

RoboCorpus: I’m not sure, but I wanted to see you.

Asahi: Thanks. I’ve never been here on a rainy day before.

RoboCorpus: So you believe that my quote might help.

Asahi: Well, I tried to come no matter the weather. That’s why.


RoboCorpus: Look, Asahi! In the center of the pond!

Asahi: What’s happening!?



Did Asahi come to the pond every weekend?
No, he didn’t.
Something is happening. Where?
In the center of the pond.

Weekly Daily By RoboCorpus

内容に合うように(  )を埋めてみましょう。
I introduced(  )to the boy. His name is Asahi.
I gave him a couple of quotes about(  ).
I did not know their(  ), but Asahi seemed interested.
He has never visited the pond on a(  )day, so he decided to come.
Then, something happened….
myself / promises / meaning / rainy

CAN-DO Chunk Review

I have never talked to him.
12年間 彼女のことを知っています。
I’ve known her for 12 years.
That means I have to help.
I’ve never been here before.

Progress Portfolio

「よくそれをする」は I often do that. ですね。では「わたしは決してそれをしなかった」と言ってみましょう。
I never did that.
「現在」に焦点をおいて、「以前に一度もそれをしたことがない」という経験を I have never で語ってみましょう。
I have never done that before.

challenge man:
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