基礎英語3 Review 19 We have to fight them

基礎英語3 Review 19 We have to fight them

Listen to this week’s stories and fill in the blanks.

Lesson 073 Tell me your schedule

Ms. Saito: Good morning, class! I have good news! It’s about the English Vocabulary Contest. Boon won the preliminary round and will go to the national contest!

Class: Congratulations! Amazing! Wow!

Boon: Thanks, everyone.

Ms. Saito: Boon, let’s start practicing tomorrow.

Boon: OK.

Ms. Saito: Tell me your schedule.

Boon: I get up seven, and come to school by bus around eight. I have four classes in the morning.

Ms. Saito: What about lunchtime?

Boon: I usually eat lunch quickly, so I have at least 30 minutes for practice.

Ms. Saito: And how much time do you have after school?

Boon: I have to go home early on Wednesday, but I can practice on all the other days.



What did Boon win?
He won the preliminary round.
How long can Boon practice during lunchtime?
At least 30 minutes.

Lesson 074 We have to fight them

Lex: How are you doing, RoboCorpus?

Jukichi: You might need another repair after running 1,500 meters.

RoboCorpus: I’m OK, thank you.

Lex: Boom seems to be ready for the next contest. He is much more prepared. Don’t you think it’s time to go?

RoboCorpus: Yes, maybe.

Jukichi: I’ll really miss all these old books, but we can’t stay here forever.

RoboCorpus: What happened, Sylphie?

Sylphie: They’re coming. I can feel it.

Lex: Who are they?

Sylphie: The Negatives. They’ve found out that I am free!

Lex: Oh, no! We have to go. Now!

Sylphie: We cannot escape. We have to fight them.

RoboCorpus: That’s right. We must protect the humans from dark forces.



What will Jukichi miss?
All these old books.
Who is coming?
The Negatives.

Lesson 075 Are you ready for practice?

Ms. Saito: OK, Boon. Are you ready for practice?

Boon: Yes.

Ms. Saito: The national contest consists of two parts. One is the vocabulary contest that is similar to the last one. The other is the chunk contest.

Boon: Chunk? That sounds more difficult than memorizing single words.

Ms. Saito: Yes, but the training method is the same. RoboCorpus, can you show him an example?

RoboCorpus: OK. Let’s try chunks using the verb “take.” Ready? 電車に乗る。

Boon: Take a train.

RoboCorpus: Correct! 昼寝をする。

Boon: Take a…. I don’t know.

RoboCorpus: Take a nap.

Lex: I think we are going to be here for a while.



What is the second part of the national contest?
The chunk contest.
Is the training method for chunks different?
No, it’s the same.

Lesson 076 He’s suddenly lost his confidence

Ms. Saito: Hi, RoboCorpus.

RoboCorpus: Hi, Ms. Saito. Where is Boon?

Ms. Saito: He’s not coming today. He says he feels sick.

RoboCorpus: I’m sorry to hear that.

Ms. Saito: There’s something wrong with him. It’s not just a cold or a fever.

RoboCorpus: What do you mean?

Ms. Saito: He’s suddenly lost his confidence. He is so worried about losing the contest and losing face.

RoboCorpus: Can I talk to him? I want to encourage him.

Ms. Saito: Sure. But you must come to school to see him tomorrow.

Sylphie: Oh, no. Maybe Boon is being influenced by the Negatives.

Jukichi: Yes, that’s probably why he started thinking negatively!

Lex: We must rescue Boon!



Why is Boon not coming today?
Because he feels sick.
What is Boon worried about?
Losing the contest, and losing face.

Weekly Daily By RoboCorpus

内容に合うように(  )を埋めてみましょう。
I am so glad that Boon can(  )to the national contest.
We were going to leave, but Sylphie said the Negatives were coming and we had to(  )them.
Boon suddenly became(  )and lost his confidence.
It may be because of bad(  )by the Negatives.
We must(  )Boon!
go / fight / sick / influence / rescue

CAN-DO Chunk Review

How about eating ice cream before going home?
Jim was born in Japan. That’s why he can speak Japanese fluently.
I have to go to the dentist on Thursday, but I can help you on Friday.
There are two things to do before going to bed. One is listening to Kiso Eigo 3 on the radio. The other is writing in my diary.

Progress Portfolio

I can go with you this Saturday.
I have to go to swimming school on Wsdnesday, but I can come here on all the other days.

challenge man:
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