基礎英語3 Review 33 I need to rescue Dr. Ikebukuro

基礎英語3 Review 33 I need to rescue Dr. Ikebukuro

Listen to this week’s stories and fill in the blanks.

Lesson 129 It’s your data


Lex: How can we get your power back, RoboCorpus?

RoboCorpus: My battery is full, but I feel empty.

Sylphie: It’s neither your battery nor your oil. It’s your data.

Jukichi: I see. That powerful robot deleted all the language data RoboCorpus used to have.

Sylphie: One thing we can try is to send some data to RoboCorpus.

Lex: Where is the data?

Sylphie: You have thousands of example sentences in your dictionary! And Jukichi. You have millions of words of wisdom. I will help you transfer that data to RoboCorpus.

Lex: OK, let’s do it. Tell me what to do.

Jukichi: I will sync my thoughts with yours, Sylphie.

Sylphie: OK, let’s start. I will send your words to RoboCorpus now!



Why did RoboCorpus feel empty?
Because that powerful robot deleted his language data.
What did they decide to do to help RoboCorpus?
They decided to send some data to him.

Lesson 130 He’s contacting me!


Lex: How are you feeling, RoboCorpus?

Sylphie: Look! You can move your arms and legs much better!

RoboCorpus: I can feel my power coming back to me, thank you.

Jukichi: Now you have a corpus of my words of wisdom.

Lex: You must be much wiser now.

RoboCorpus: My memory is getting clearer. I think I can restore my corpus data from the server at Ken’s laboratory.

Sylphie: Can you connect to it now?

RoboCorpus: Let me try. I will connect to the internet.

Ken: I don’t understand, Dr. Ikebukuro. What made you do such a thing? …RoboCorpus? He’s contacting me! Will you excuse me, Dr. Ikebukuro?



What was coming back to RoboCorpus?
His power.
What did Ken find out about RoboCorpus?
RoboCorpus was contacting him.

Lesson 131 I need to rescue Dr. Ikebukuro


Ken: RoboCorpus is trying to connect to the server. I’ll contact him directly. Hello? RoboCorpus? Can you hear me?

RoboCorpus: Wow, it’s Ken.

Sylphie: You should talk to him about Dr. Ikebukuro.

RoboCorpus: OK. Ken, this is RoboCorpus. I need to tell you about Dr. Ikebukuro. He’s been controlled by evil forces. His robot attacked me.

Ken: Oh, no! I need to rescue Dr. Ikebukuro. Otherwise, his robot will try to destroy you again!

RoboCorpus: Your positive words will change his attitude. Good luck!

Sylphie: I will go there and help Ken rescue Dr. Ikebukuro. With his positive power, we might be able to bring Dr. Ikebukuro back to our side.



What did RoboCorpus talk to Ken about?
Dr. Ikebukuro.
What will change Dr. Ikebukuro’s attitude?
Ken’s positive words.

Lesson 132 Dr. Ikebukuro, listen to me


Dr. Ikebukuro: You got a message from RoboCorpus, didn’t you?

Ken: Dr. Ikebukuro, listen to me. Back when we started our robot project, what was our original goal?

Dr. Ikebukuro: Why do you ask such a question?

Ken: Our goal was to bring happiness to people on Earth. You said, “Robots can save people in need.” You also told me robots can be our number-one partners!

Dr. Ikebukuro: I don’t want to hear it! It seems like RoboCorpus is still working.

Ken: Don’t be fooled, Dr. Ikebukuro. You’re being controlled by evil forces.

Sylphie: OK, Ken. Make his heart go back to what it used to be. I will help you!

Dr. Ikebukuro: Well, Ken, it seems I need to send my robot after yours again. This time, no mercy!

RoboNegative: RoboNegative taking off!

Ken: NOOOO!!



What was the original goal for their robot project?
To bring happiness to people on Earth.
What did Dr. Ikebukuro do again?
He sent his robot after RoboCorpus.

Weekly Daily By RoboCorpus

内容に合うように(  )を埋めてみましょう。
I left empty because my corpus data was(  )by RoboNegative.
Sylphie sent the language(  )from Lex and Jukichi to me.
I felt stronger and my memory became clearer.
Finally, I(  )to Ken’s server, and he contacted me.
I told him about Dr. Ikebukuro.
Ken decided to(  )him.
Sylphie went to help Ken.
I hope he can(  )Dr. Ikebukuro get back to normal.
deleted / data / contacted / rescue / help

CAN-DO Chunk Review

What made you start studying Japanese?
The woman with the long hair is my sister.
Ryo told me that his father is a carpenter.
One thing you can do is to listen to her.

Progress Portfolio

He said to me, “I want to go with you.”
He told me that he wanted to go with me.

challenge man:

View Comments (2)

  • いつもお世話になっております。
    ロボコーパスの日記の二行目 data ですね。

    • いつもありがとうございます。
      変なミスですね(^^; これからもよろしくです。

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