ラジオ英会話 Lesson 025 今週のREVIEW

Lesson021 名詞を使った目的語説明型

Naoko: Hey, what are you listening to?

Henry: I’m listening to classical music.

Naoko: Oh, which piece is it?

Henry: Mozart’s Symphony No.40. It’s a great symphony.

Naoko: Why do so many people like Mozart, I wonder?

Henry: Well, because he is simply amazing. He started composing music when he was just five. Everyone considered him a genius.

Naoko: By the way, do you sometimes go to classical music concerts?

Henry: Yes, whenever I get the chance.

Naoko: So let’s go together one day.

Pick-Up Phrases

Everyone considered him a genius.

Lesson022 形容詞・前置詞を使った目的語説明型

CA: Would you like some coffee or tea?

Passenger: Coffee, please.

CA: How about cream or sugar?

Passenger: No, thank you, I’d like my coffee black, please.

CA: No problem.

Passenger: By the way, it’s very cold. Could I possibly have a blanket?

CA: Of course, I’ll bring you one as soon as I’ve finished serving.

Passenger: Thank you very much.

Pick-Up Phrases

I’d like my coffee black, please.

Lesson023 目的語説明型 動詞原形を使った知覚構文

Carolyn: Did you feel the building shake last night?

Koji: No, I didn’t feel anything. Was there an earthquake?

Carolyn: Yes! It woke me up. I can’t believe you slept through it.

Koji: I’m a sound sleeper. And we have lots of earthquakes in Japan, so I’m used to them.

Carolyn: Well, I’m not. I found it quite scary.

Pick-Up Phrases

Did you feel the building shake last night?

Lesson024 目的語説明型 動詞-ing形を使った知覚構文

Monica: Hey, Rick. What’s up? You look worried.

Rick: Well, the boss is getting really angry.

Monica: Why?

Rick: He has an important meeting this morning, and Mary hasn’t given him the documents he needs yet. Where on earth is she?

Monica: Oh, I saw her heading for the coffee machine just a few moments ago.

Rick: OK, I’d better go get her right away.

Monica: Yeah. And relax, OK?

Pick-Up Phrases

I saw her heading for the coffee machine just a few moments ago.




after school  放課後
schoolyard  校庭
one day  ある日
a couple of days ago  数日前
practice dancing  ダンスの練習をする
genius  天才
star  スター


One day after school, I saw Ken practice dancing.
He looked amazing, so now I call him a genius.



I walked past the schoolyard a couple of days a go, and I watched Ken go through some hip-hop dance moves.
I was really impressed.
From now on I’m going to call him a star!


walk past は「通りかかる」。
impress は「印象づける」。受動態で使って「印象づけられる=感動する」
from now on は「今から」。「これからずっと」という継続のニュアンスが on から生まれています。

challenge man: