ラジオ英会話 Lesson 135 今週のREVIEW

Lesson 131 動詞 -ing 形① 主語位置に置かれた動詞 -ing 形

Dad: Stella, where are you going?

Stella: I’m going to the store to get some soda and snacks. I’m hungry.

Dad: Are you riding your bike?

Stella: Of course. It’s too far to walk. Unless you give me a ride?

Dad: Ha ha! No way! Oh, don’t forget to wear your helmet, okay?

Stella: Dad, it’s just a short ride. I’ll be back in ten minutes.

Dad: Riding a bike without a helmet is dangerous. Even for a short distance, you should wear your helmet.

Stella: Yeah, I guess you’re right, Dad. I’ll wear it.

Pick-Up Phrases

Riding a bike without a helmet is dangerous.


Lesson 132 動詞 -ing 形② 目的語位置に置かれた動詞 -ing 形

Nina: Hiro, can I ask you a silly question?

Hiro: Sure, Nina. I always ask you silly questions. Go ahead.

Nina: Why do Japanese busunesspeople play so much golf?

Hiro: Well, it’s because we try to develop business relationships over golf on weekends. But I don’t really like playing golf for business. I like playing golf with my son.

Nina: Oh, is he a good player?

Hiro: Yes, he wants to be a professional golfer in the future.

Nina: That’s amazing. The training must be really tough.

Hiro: It is, but he enjoys it.


Pick-Up Phrases

I like playing golf with my son.

Lesson 133 動詞 -ing 形③ 動詞 -ing 形しか目的語として選べない動詞

Shota: This science homework is too difficult.

Manami: Shota, that’s just the first question. You haven’t done anything else?

Shota: No. I got bored.

Manami: Well, I’ve finished doing my homework. I’m going to take Charo for a walk.

Shota: I want to go with you.

Manami: No. You haven’t finished your homework yet.

Shota: But I need a break. I can study better after a walk.

Manami: What do you mean? You’ve only just started your homework. It’s too early for a break.

Shota: Don’t worry, Manami. You can help me later.

Manami: Huh? No way! I’m out of here!


Pick-Up Phrases

I’ve finished doing my homework.


Lesson 134 動詞 -ing 形④ 説明型・説明語句位置の動詞 -ing 形

Vivian: When did your daughter start taking piano lessons?

Wataru: My daughter Reina? She doesn’t take piano lessons. Actually, she’s learning to play the violin.

Vivian: That’s funny. I saw her playing the piano in a piano store last Saturday. It was difficult music, too.

Wataru: Well, it must have been a different girl who looked like Reina. As I say, she doesn’t play the piano.

Vivian: No, I’m pretty sure it was Reina, and she was definitely playing the piano.

Wataru: Mmm… You know what? I think you should get your eyes checked!

Vivian: Hey!


Pick-Up Phrases

I saw her playing the piano in a piano store last Saturday.

She was definitely playing the piano.






library : 図書館
chat :
be not allowed :  禁止されている


1 Look at those guys over there. Aren’t they your friends?  
2 Chatting is not allowed here, so you’d better go and tell them to stop doing it.



Look at those guys over there. Aren’t they your friends?  

まずケンの注意を、おしゃべりをしている人に向けさせます。次の文は否定疑問文 「~ではないのですか?」。助動詞要素(do や can など助動詞や、be 動詞)に not を加えて作ります。

Chatting is not allowed here, so you’d better go and tell them to stop doing it.

ここでは動詞 -ing 形が主語になり、Chatting is not allowed(おしゃべりするのは許されていません=禁止されています)となっています。実際におしゃべりが行われている状況を踏まえれば、動詞 -ing 形が最良の選択です。
後半の you’d better は you had better のこと。「~したほうがいい・そうしないと困ったことになる」という緊張感のあるフレーズです。
tell to stop doing it は、まず tell を使った目的語説明型。to の持つ矢印(→)のイメージが生きています。「them が to 以下に向かうように言う」ということです。
… tell them to stop doing it
さらに to 以下は stop doing it。「そうすることをやめる」。stop に目的語を使うときには -ing 形がマストでしたね。



1  Those two guys by the copy machine are really noisy. Surely they know that talking is not allowed in the library.  
2  Wait a minute. They’re your friends, aren’t they? 
3  I think you should go over there and tell them to quit chatting.
Well, what are you waiting for? Go!



1  Those two guys by the copy machine are really noisy. Surely they know that talking is not allowed in the library. 

by the copy machine は「コピー機のそば」。近くを表す by が使われています。次の文は surely(間違いなく)で始まっていますね。以下の内容が”間違いのない”内容であることを示しています。(指定ルール)。
that 以下では talking が主語。talk は「話し合う」。コミュニケーションを表す動詞です。

2  Wait a minute. They’re your friends, aren’t they? 


3I think you should go over there and tell them to quit chatting.
Well, what are you waiting for? Go!

should は「~すべき」。go over there は「向こうに行く」。over は距離感を表しています。tell 以降は SIMPLE ANSWER と同じ目的語説明型。ここでは quit(やめる)は使われており、こちらも目的語としては動詞 -ing 形が要求されます。
What are you waiting for? はまとめて覚える価値のある表現。「何を待っているんだい、すぐにやりなよ」と強く相手を促す表現となっています。 


challenge man: