再放送 ラジオ英会話 Lesson 140 今週の Review

ラジオ英会話 Lesson 140 今週の Review

Listening Challenge!


Listening Challenge!

Lesson 136 行動をうながす⑤:心に留めてもらう


Keith: Hi, Veronica. How are your classes going?

Veronica: Hi, Keith. Pretty well, thanks. But I’m finding the amount of preparation a bit overwhelming.

Keith: This is your first year, so it’s natural. Just keep in mind that Rome wasn’t built in a day, OK?

Veronica: OK. I guess I’ll have to learn how to pace myself, right?

Keith: Exactly. Having a healthy work-life balance is important. Speaking of which, how about going for a drink after work?

Veronica: Great idea!


Listening Challenge!

Q1: How long has the woman worked with the man?
A: One day.
B: Less than a year.
C: More than a year.

B: Less than a year.

Lesson 137 行動をうながす⑥:必ずしてもらう


Seijun: Well, I’m ready to go home, Mirei.

Mirei: OK, but don’t forget to put up the sales poster in the shop window tomorrow. We need to attract lots of customers.

Seijun: I will. First thing in the morning. They’re in the storage room, right?

Mirei: Yes. Also, make sure you mop the floor. We have been getting some complaints from customers.

Seijun: Really? I mop the floor every day. People are too picky.

Mirei: Maybe. But the customer is king, remember!


Listening Challenge!

Q2: What will the man do first thing next morning?
A: Make copies of the posters.
B: Clear up the storage room.
C: Clean the floor.

C: Clean the floor.

Lesson 138 行動をうながす⑦:何もしないことをうながす


Frank: Something is not quite right with this dress, but I can’t put my finger on it. Perhaps I should…

Fiona: No, Frank. Please don’t touch it. It’s perfect.

Frank: But look at the waistline. It’s too high, don’t you think?

Fiona: Not at all. It looks fine to me. The dress flows beautifully.

Frank: What if I added some sequins?

Fiona: No way. Trust me. Keep it simple. Leave it as it is.

Frank: OK. Your intuition is usually spot-on.

Fiona: Thanks.


Listening Challenge!

Q3: Which of the following is true?
A: The man wants to make another dress.
B: The woman likes the man’s dress.
C: The man and woman are both customers.

B: The woman likes the man’s dress.

Lesson 139 行動をうながす⑧:意見・情報をうながす


Hiro: Are there any other issues we need to discuss?

Marilyn: I hate to bring this up, but my neighbor’s dog barks late at night, and we can’t get enough sleep.

Hiro: Why don’t you just talk to your neighbor?

Marilyn: He’s never home. I know I can always rely on you for sound advice. Have you got any ideas?

Hiro: I suggest leaving a note under his door. It should be politely worded, though.

Marilyn: Can you help me write it?

Hiro: Sure.


Listening Challenge!

Q4: What is the woman’s problem?
A: She can’t sleep well.
B: Her neighbor often visits her.
C: She can’t write.

A: She can’t sleep well.

SAY IT IN ENGLISH! ~英語で声に出して表現してみましょう~



I’ve read your paper.


Thanks. I would like to hear your honest feedback about it.
I know I can always rely on you for sound advice.


I’ve decided to get a divorce.


ええ! それは、これから大変になるよ。
Wow! Well, I know it’s going to be tough.
But please keep in mind that I’ll always be there for you no matter what.


honest feedback  率直な意見・評価
sound  的確な
divorce  離婚
tough  大変な、つらい
I’ll always be there for you.  いつでも力になります。相談に乗ります。
I’ll always support you.  上と同じ
no matter what  何があろうとも

challenge man:
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