ラジオ英会話 Lesson 125 今週の Review

ラジオ英会話 Lesson 125 今週の Review

Listening Challenge!


Listening Challenge!

Lesson 121 助動詞学習で最も大切なこと


Paul: Hi, Riko. I’m home.

Riko: Hi, Paul. Did you buy the princes costume for Hannah’s Halloween event?

Paul: Yes, I got a pink one.

Riko: But she wants a purple costume, not a pink one. She may get disappointed.

Paul: Sorry, but they only had pink ones left.

Riko: Well, I guess I’ll have to make another costume for her myself this year.

Paul: Do you have time to do that?

Riko: Not really, but you know how picky Hannah is about everything.

Listening Challenge! The question No.1
Q1: Why may Hannah get disappointed?

A: Because she doesn’t like Halloween.

B: Because her dad got the wrong color costume.

C:Because her mom doesn’t want to make a costume for her.

正解は B: Because her dad got the wrong color costume.


Lesson 122 助動詞 may の推量


Tom: Sota finally texted me. He said he’s not feeling well these days.

Masami: What’s wrong with him?

Tom: I’m not sure. He didn’t say exactly. He may or may not be ill.

Masami: What do you mean? Don’t you know?

Tom: I’m not sure. He’s acting very strangely. He might be covering something up.

Masami: What would he be covering up?

Tom: Listen, Masami. if you want to be with Sota, that’s fine with me.

Masami: What are you saying, Tom?






Listening Challenge! The question No.2
Q2: Which of the following is true?

A: Tom hasn’t texted Sota in a while.

B: Tom isn’t sure why Sota’s not feeling well.

C: Masami wants to be with Sota.

正解は B: Tom isn’t sure why Sota’s not feeling well.


Lesson 123 助動詞 may の許可


Shiho: Carlos, I’m nervous about the English test tomorrow. We have to write an essay, right?

Carlos: Yes. Don’t worry. The teacher said, “You may use a dictionary during the test.”

Shiho: That’s good. I’m not so confident about my spelling sometimes.

Carlos: Me neither. English isn’t like Spanish, my native language.

Shiho: Oh, of course. You’re from Argentina, so your mother tongue is Spanish.

Carlos: Yes, although our Spanish is a little different from that of other Spanish-speaking countries.

Listening Challenge! The question No.3
Q3: What test will they take tomorrow?

A: An English writing test.

B: An English spelling test.

C: A Spanish writing test.

正解は A: An English writing test.


Lesson 124 助動詞 must の義務


Mirei: Sejun, did you fill out the application for your student loan?

Sejun: Yes, I wrote it in kanji. Here, can you take a look?

Mirei: Oh, there’s one problem.

Sejun: Problem?

Mirei: You must use a pen when you fill out this form.

Sejun: A pencil is no good?

Mirei: In Japan, black ink is required for official forms.

Sejun: I see. I’ll have to get another form then.

Mirei: You can just download the form from the net.

Sejun: That’s good.

Listening Challenge! The question No.4
Q4: Why does Sejun have to get another form?

A: Because he wrote a wrong kanji character.

B: Because two copies of the same form are required.

C: Because he filled out the form in pencil.

正解は C: Because he filled out the form in pencil.


SAY IT IN ENGLISH! ~英語で声に出して表現してみましょう~



I’m looking for a girlfriend.
キョウコをデートに誘ったら? 最初は無愛想に見えるかもしれないけど、実はとても温かくて親切な人よ。
Why don’t you ask Kyoko out? She may seem a bit unsociable at first, but she is actually very warm and kind.
She’ll definitely grow on you.


What is the best way to learn English?
If you want to improve your English, you mustn’t stop memorizing phrases and sentences.
This is the best way to get better at a language.


ask … out  ~をデートに誘う
grow on …  (人やモノが)徐々に~の好みになる
unsociable  無愛想な・社交的ではない
memorize  暗記する
the best way  最善の方法
get better 上達する

challenge man:
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