ラジオ英会話 Lesson 240 今週の Review

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ラジオ英会話 Lesson 240 今週の Review

Listening Challenge!


Listening Challenge!

Lesson 236 英語は「配置の言葉」①:動詞-ing 形


Mr. Smith: What’s all the noise about?

Ms. Metz: You’re not going to believe this, but the Desperate Rats are here!

Mr. Smith: The rock group? Here at our school? Why?

Ms. Metz: They said they wanted to see you.

Mr. Smith: Me? How do they know me?

Ms. Metz: Well, they didn’t mention you by name. But they said they wanted to meet the “sneezing man.”

Mr. Smith: Sneezing man? Just because I couldn’t stop sneezing at their concert? Are they angry?

Ms. Metz: Who cares? Let’s meet them!

Listening Challenge! The question No.1
Q1: Why did the Desperate Rats visit the school?

A: Because the woman invited them.

B: Because they wanted to see the man.

C: Because they wrote a song titled “sneezing man”.

正解は B: Because they wanted to see the man.


Lesson Lesson 237 英語は「配置の言葉」②:過去分詞


Peacock: Detective Tomlinson, thank you for coming all the way from London.

Sarah: It’s a pleasure to meet you, Professor Peacock. I’m a fan of your books.

Peacock: Really? I’m honored. Please, have a seat.

Sarah: Thank you. We were able to recover most of the stolen things. I’ve brought them today.

Peacock: Oh, excellent!

Sarah: Unfortunately, a few are still missing.

Peacock: That’s all right. They weren’t that valuable to begin with.

Sarah: We’ll keep looking for them, sir.

Peacock: Thank you, Detective.

Listening Challenge! The question No.2
Q2: What did the detective bring?

A: Some of the man’s fans.

B: Some of the man’s books.

C: Some of the man’s stolen things.

正解は C: Some of the man’s stolen things.


Lesson 238 英語は「配置の言葉」③:to 不定詞


Casper: I smell something good. Wait, look at this long line!

Alexis: Oh, this is that vegan ramen restaurant everyone’s talking about.

Casper: Do you want to have dinner here, Alexis?

Alexis: I’ve been wanting to try it. We’re here, so we might as well join the line.

Casper: OK. I want to eat my ramen slowly, though. And let’s order some side dishes as well.

Alexis: Good idea. I could eat a horse!

Casper: I’m starving too.

Listening Challenge! The question No.3
Q3: What will the man and woman do after this conversation?

A: They’ll eat at the restaurant.

B: They’ll make ramen at home.

C: They’ll feed a horse.

正解は A: They’ll eat at the restaurant.


Lesson 239 英語は「配置の言葉」④:そろそろ英語、話せます!


Mom: Honey, do you remember Masaru, Roxy’s friend at school?

Dad: Yes, what about him?

Mom: He came to our house yesterday. He heard the news that Roxy went to the UK to study.

Dad: You mean Roxy didn’t say anything to him about it?

Mom: I guess not. He seemed to be shocked by the news.

Dad: I wonder why she didn’t mention it to him.

Mom: Well, our little Roxy can be a bit mysterious at times.

Dad: That’s true.

Listening Challenge! The question No.4
Q4: Which of the following is true?

A: Masaru visited Roxy in the UK.

B: Roxy isn’t at her parents’ house.

C: Roxy’s dad doesn’t remember Masaru.

正解は B: Roxy isn’t at her parents’ house.


SAY IT IN ENGLISH! ~英語で声に出して表現してみましょう~



Could you tell me how to improve my English?
Well, there are many ways to improve your English.
まず、あなたは「やることリスト」を作るといいでしょう。 つまり、あなたが、毎日やるべきことのリストです。 あなたは英語学習を習慣にする必要があるのです。
First, you could make a to-do list. I mean, a list of what you should do every day. You need to make a habit of studying English.


私は英語を上達させたいの。 何かいいアイデアはありますか?
I want to improve my English. Do you have any good ideas?
I’ve heard that there’s a very inspiring radio program for studying English.
タイトルは「ラジオ英・・・」か何か。 私は聞こうかと思っていますが。 一緒にどうでしょう?
The title is Radio Ei… something. I’m considering listening to it. Do you want to join me?


to-do list  やることリスト
habit  癖・習慣
inspiring  刺激的な
considering  ~することを考えている

challenge man:

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