ラジオ英会話 Lesson 190 今週の Review

ラジオ英会話 Lesson 190 今週の Review

Listening Challenge!


Listening Challenge!

Lesson 186 人々一般を表す


Ms. Jetz: Mr. Smith, what are you listening to?

Mr. Smith: Brahms Third Symphony.

Ms. Jetz: You really like that symphony, don’t you? You always listen to it.

Mr. Smith: This is a new performance by the Vienna Philharmonic. It’s very good.

Ms. Jetz: Have you ever been to Vienna?

Mr. Smith: No, I’ve never been to Austria.

Ms.Jetz: Really? You of all people should go. You only live once.

Mr.Smith: I’ve wanted to go for a long time. Do we need a visa to go there?

Ms. Jetz: I’m not sure, you’d better check.

Listening Challenge! The question No.1
Q1: What does Mr. Smith want to do?

A: Play Brahms Third Symphony.

B: Join the Vienna Philharmonic.

C: Go to Vienna.

正解は C: Go to Vienna.


Lesson 187 it の基本


Zaytox: I am Zaytox, from the planet Vega 6.

Megan: How can you speak English?

Zaytox: We can speak any language in the universe. Through this device.

Megan: What’s that?

Zaytox: It’s a universal translator.

Megan: Very impressive.

Zaytox: Our technology is far above your level.

Megan: Obviously. Your spaceship is very fast.

Zaytox: Yes. It takes only 15 minutes from here to your earth.

Megan: That’s impossible!

Zaytox: It’s possible. We can give you a fast ride home.

Listening Challenge! The question No.2
Q2: How is the alien speaking English?

A: He learned every language in the universe.

B: He is using a translator.

C: The woman taught him English.

正解は B: He is using a translator.


Lesson 188 it を説明するリズム


Deepak: Hi, it’s you! You really like Indian food, don’t you?

Barbara: Hi, Deepak. Yes, I like your curries in particular. They are so good.

Deepak: Thank you. It’s surprising that you come here so often.

Barbara: Really? I wonder why. Anyway, how’s business these days?

Deepak: Not very good, I’m afraid. It’s difficult to have a restaurant in this area.

Barbara: Why don’t you change locations?

Deepak: I’ve been thinking about that.

Barbara: Let me help you. I can find vacant properties in the city.

Listening Challenge! The question No.3
Q3: Which of the following is true?

A: The woman hasn’t been to the restaurant in a long time.

B: Deepak is thinking about closing his restaurant.

C: The woman will help him find a new place.

正解は C: The woman will help him find a new place.


Lesson 189 it を使って強調する


Gary: Helen, check out my new telescope!

Helen: Very impressive. What are you looking at?

Gary: I’m viewing the planet Jupiter. Look, you can see some of Jupiter’s moons through it.

Helen: Oh, wow! I see them. That’s incredible!

Gary: We have to thank Galileo for inventing the telescope, right?

Helen: I read that it was a Dutch person that invented the telescope.

Gary: Really? I always thought it was Galileo that invented it.

Helen: So did I, until I read about it.

Listening Challenge! The question No.4
Q4: What are the two people doing?

A: They are looking at the stars.

B: They are reading a book about Galileo.

C: They are thinking of getting a new telescope.

正解は A: They are looking at the stars.


Say It In English!



How can I improve my English?
言葉を学ぶのは時間がかかります。 「ラジオ英会話」 を毎日聞くのはいいアイデア だと思いますよ。
Learning a language takes time. I think it’s a good idea to listen to Radio Eikaiwa every day.
They say persistence pays off.


Boss, it’s already 5:30.
わかった。今日はここまでにしましょう。 ホテルまではタクシーで15分しかかかりません。
OK. Let’s call it a day. It takes only 15 minutes to get to the hotel by taxi.
I think we can make it in time.


Persistence pays off.  継続は力なり
pay off  (努力や計画などが)実を結ぶ・うまくいく
in time  間に合って

challenge man:

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  • 最近、1月4,5,6日位から本講座で「NHKラジオ英会話Lesson185 2023.1.6英語例文付き」と入力すると文章付ユーチューブが見れるのに気づきました。今後はユーチューブでテキストを見ながら視聴出来るようになったのですか。大変素晴らしいことで、楽しみでゾクゾクします。

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