ラジオ英会話 Lesson 240 今週の Review

ラジオ英会話 Lesson 240 今週の Review


Listening Challenge!


Listening Challenge!

Lesson 236 会話の原則㉑:HAIRYO やわらかく意見を述べる


Roxy: Morning, Dad.

Dad: Good morning, Roxy. Well, it’s still morning, technically. It’s 11:30, though.

Roxy: I came home from work a little late last night. I needed the sleep.

Dad: Roxy, I don’t think you should work so much. You’re still in college.

Roxy: But I make more money on the night shift.

Dad: It seems to me that you should think about your health more than money.

Roxy: I’m fine, Dad. I never get sick, you know.

Dad: Knock on wood.

Listening Challenge! The question No.1
Q1: What does dad think?

A: Roxy should sleep more.

B: Health is more important than money.

C: Roxy needs to make more money.

正解は B: Health is more important than money.


Lesson 237 会話の原則㉒:HAIRYO 情報の切り分け

ゼイトクスを探しに日本にやってきた天文学者のニールダウンズ博士。 キャロリンのビーガンラーメン店を調べに来たようです。

Carolyn: Irrasshaimase!

Dr. Downs: Hi, is this the vegan ramen shop?

Carolyn: Yes, it’s one of them. I like to think it’s the best.

Dr. Downs: Oh, do you run this place?

Carolyn: Yes, I do. Would you like to see the menu?

Dr. Downs: A little later. May I ask you a strange question first?

Carolyn: Sure.

Dr. Downs: You haven’t seen…an alien come in here, have you?

Carolyn: An alien? As far as I know, there are no aliens here.

Dr. Downs: Silly question, right?

Carolyn: Mm-hmm.

Listening Challenge! The question No.2
Q2: What does the man want to know?

A: Whether this shop is the best.

B: Whether they have an English menu.

C: Whether an alien has been there.

正解は C: Whether an alien has been there.


Lesson 238 発言タイプ:感謝 ありがとう

スタイン博士を見舞いに病院に行ったジーニーとフランキー ジーニーがスタイン博士と話をしています。

Jeannie: Dr. Stein, we came as soon as we could.

Dr. Stein: Oh, Jeannie! And Frankie! Thank you for coming to see me.

Jeannie: How are you feeling, Doctor?

Dr. Stein: Much better, thanks. I fell down and broke something, I guess.

Jeannie: It was lucky Frankie was home. He told me he called the ambulance right away.

Dr. Stein: I’m very grateful for that.

Jeannie: Doctor, these flowers are for you.

Dr. Stein: Oh, they’re beautiful. Please, sit down.

Jeannie: It’s OK. We can’t stay long. We’ll be back tomorrow.

Listening Challenge! The question No.3
Q3: Who was home when Dr. Stein fell down?

A: Jeannie and Frankie.

B: Frankie.

C: Jeannie.

正解は B: Frankie.


Lesson 239 発言タイプ:さようなら 「さようなら」の前にひと言添える

異星人ゼイトクスがマサミと話をしています。 どうやら地球を去ることにしたようです。

Masami: Zaytox, where are you going?

Zaytox: I have to go home now, Masami.

Masami: Why? You just joined our shogi club.

Zaytox: It has been fun, but it’s time to go. They know I’m here.

Masami: Oh, no. Sota is out of town on a trip.

Zaytox: That’s too bad. I wanted to say goodbye to him.

Masami: We will never forget you, Zaytox.

Zaytox: Thank you both for taking good care of me. See you around.

Masami: Take care, Zaytox.

Zaytox: You too, Masami.

Listening Challenge! The question No.4
Q4: Where is Sota?

A: He is at home.

B: He is in the shogi club room.

C: He is not in town.

正解は C: He is not in town.


Say It In English!



Thank you so much for your attention.
Your presentation was great.
But it feels like you need to focus more on basic presentation skills such as body language and time management.


Thank you very much for coming.
すばらしいパーティーをどうもありがとうございました。 おかげでとてもくつろげました。
Thank you so much for the wonderful party. You really made me feel at home.
いつか私のところにも来ていただけるとありがたいのですが。 私の妻はあなたにとてもお会いしたいと言っていました。 ああ、もう行く時間。それでは!
I’d appreciate it if you came to my place sometime. My wife said she really wanted to meet you. OK, time to go. See you later!


it feels like ~  ~という気がする
such as ~  例えば~など
time management  時間管理
make ~ feel at home  ~をくつろいだ気分にさせる
I’d [I would] appreciate it if ~  ~してくれるとありがたい
sometime  いつか
time to go  もう行かなきゃ

challenge man:

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  • 毎日の学習にいつも利用させていただいておりました。いままでどうもありがとうございました。

    • コメントありがとうございます。

  • ご尽力に心より御礼を申し上げます。

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