ラジオ英会話 Lesson 212 副詞による修飾 ⑥ 話し手の発言態度を表す副詞

ラジオ英会話 Lesson 212 副詞による修飾 ⑥ 話し手の発言態度を表す副詞

Key Sentence

Frankly, I’ve never heard of such a thing.

Today’s dialog

Mrs. Gregory: Mr. Kerr, I heard about your unusual proposal.

Anton: Do you mean my time capsule idea?

Mrs. Gregory: Yes. Frankly, I’ve never heard of such a thing. Can you explain a bit more?

Anton: Certainly, Mrs. Gregory. A time capsule is simply a container with things from our lives. But we bury it in the ground.

Mrs. Gregory: And what is the purpose of that?

Anton: To forget about it. Then, many years later, somebody will find it.

Mrs. Gregory: So they will remember us in the future.

Anton: Exactly.

Grammar and Vocabulary

Frankly, I’ve never heard of such a thing.
Then, many years later, somebody will find it.

Target Forms

Key Sentence

Frankly, I’ve never heard of such a thing.


Honestly, I think you should lose some weight.

Seriously, I think you should lose some weight.

Personally, I think you should lose some weight.

To tell the truth, I don’t think it’s a good idea.

To put it mildly, I don’t think it’s a good idea.

As far as I know, it’s best to use real butter.

In my opinion, it’s best to use real butter.

According to the chef, it’s best to use real butter.


Grammar in Action

①率直に言って、私はそれほど興味がありません。 抽象芸術はまったく私の好みではありません。
Frankly, I’m not really interested. Abstract art just isn’t my thing.
②控えめに言って、 私たちはがっかりしました。 何も計画どおり進みませんでした。
To put it mildly, we were disappointed. Nothing worked out as planned.
③私の知るかぎり、 まだ誰もこんな高得点を出したことがありません。 あなたはたった今新記録を作ったと思います。
As far as I know, no one has ever scored this high. I think you just set a new record.


proposal: 提案
mean: ~のことを指して言う
bury: 埋める
as far as I know: 私が知っているかぎり
in my opinion: 私の意見では
according to: 情報の出どころ
my thing: 私のもの→私の好み
work out: うまくいく・解決する

challenge man: