ラジオ英会話 Lesson 232 ちょこっと疑問文

ラジオ英会話 Lesson 232 ちょこっと疑問文

Key Sentence

You’ve got everything you need, right?

Today’s dialog

Shiho: Wow, the selection is great, but the prices have gone up.

Doug: Yeah, tell me about it.

Shiho: OK, let’s get in line. You’ve got everything you need, right?

Doug: I think so. Wait, I think I’m forgetting something. Oh, now I remember pumpkin.

Shiho: Pumpkin? We have kabocha on the island.

Doug: I know, but I want to buy some canned pumpkin from America.

Shiho: It’s a bit out of season for pumpkin pie, isn’t it?

Doug: I want to try making it again soon. I love pumpkin pie.

Grammar and Vocabulary

The selection is great, but the prices have gone up.
You’ve got everything you need, right?

Target Forms

Key Sentence

You’ve got everything you need, right?


Leave it to me, OK?

So, you had a good time, huh?

This is delicious, yeah?

This is delicious, no?

This is delicious, don’t you think?

Close the door, will you?

Close the door, would you?

Close the door, could you?

Close the door, won’t you?


Grammar in Action

①すぐそこで待っていて、いい? 車を持ってくるから。
Wait right there, OK? I’ll bring the car around.
②あなたは新入社員ですよね? ついてきてください、私があなたに、オフィスを案内しますよ。
You’re the new hire, right? Follow me, I’ll give you a tour of the office.
③そのホチキスを取ってくれませんか? 私のは針がなくなっています。
Hand me that stapler, would you? Mine’s out of staples.


Tell me about it.: (相手に共感して)まったくだ。・わかる。
get in line: 列に並ぶ
out of season: 季節外れで
give a tour of ~: ~を案内する
out of ~: ~がなくなって
staple: ホチキスの針(芯)

challenge man:
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