基礎英語3 Lesson 103 It’s practice for winning


Let’s listen to today’s story.

Mimiko: Coach, why did we meet outside the junior high school gates today?

Coach: Because the race will begin and end at the field right here. By the way, we won’t run today.

Mimiko: Huh? Are you sure?

Coach: Taday, we will walk the course. This way, we can learn the most effective way to run it.

Mr. Aoki: It’s practice for winning.

Mimiko: I thought running fast was the key to winning.

Mr. Aoki: Coach, please get started.

Coach: Let’s walk toward the halfway point, Sakurayama park. First, when we get out of the school, we will turn left at the intersection. Then, we will walk along the slope toward the running course by Sakurayama River. Let’s go.

It’s practice for winning


Coach, why did we meet outside the junior high school gates today?

Because the race will begin and at the field right here. By the way, we won’t run today.

Huh? Are you sure?

Taday, we will walk the course. This way, we can learn the most effective way to run it.

It’s practice for winning.

I thought running fast was the key to winning.

Coach, please get started.

Let’s walk toward the halfway point, Sakurayama park. First, when we get out of the school, we will turn left at the intersection. Then, we will walk along the slope toward the running course by Sakurayama River. Let’s go.

Words & Phrases

outside …  ~の外で
right here  ちょうどここで
Are you sure?   (確認や念押しで)本当に?
effective   効果的な
halfway point   中間点(マラソン等の折り返し地点)
intersection  (道路の)交差点

Today’s CAN-DO

First, when we get out of the school, we will turn left at the intersection.

Then, we will walk along the slope toward the running course by Sakurayama River.

道案内で使う定番の表現をもっと増やしましょう。「~で右・左に曲がってください」は turn right/left のあとに at … をおいて、具体的な地点を表します。この場合の right/left は副詞です。

Walk や run、go といった移動を表す動詞のあとに、along …(~に沿って)、toward …(~のほうに向かって)のような前置詞句を付け足しながら情報を増やしていくと、説明がより具体的でわかりやすくなります。

CAN-DO 活用例文

First, walk down this road and turn right at the post office.

When you go across the main street, walk up a long slope.

Get It Right

He turned left at the traffic light.

challenge man: