ラジオ英会話 Lesson 155 今週のReview

ラジオ英会話 Lesson 155 今週のReview

Listening Challenge!


Listening Challenge!

Lesson 151 よくわからない: mysterious, ambiguous, vague

Eleanor: Guess what! I went to the Desperate Rats concert last night.

Benjamin: Desperate Rats? I’m sorry, but I’ve never heard of that band.

Eleanor: What? You must be joking. They are a super popular death metal band.

Benjamin: Er… death metal?

Eleanor: I don’t believe it. You don’t know what death metal is?

Benjamin: I’m afraid not.

Eleanor: Well, never mind. Look. This is the lead singer. I really love him.

Benjamin: Why?

Eleanor: There’s something mysterious about him. I find that attractive.


Listening Challenge!

Q1; What does the woman find attractive about the band?
A: The jokes.
B: The fashion.
C: The singer.

C: The singer.

Lesson 152 理解しやすい・明瞭な:obvious、clear、evident

Ms. Hoffman: You gave an impressive presentation, Benjamin.

Benjamin: Thank you. I did my best.

Ms. Hoffman: Can I ask you something?

Benjamin: Yes, of course, Ms. Hoffman.

Ms. Hoffman: You’re a fan of the death metal band Desperate Rats, right?

Benjamin: Oh, yes… but just since yesterday. How did you know that?

Ms. Hoffman: It’s obvious. You’re wearing the band’s T-shirt. Everyone could see the band’s skull design through your white shirt during the presentation.

Benjamin: Oh, no!


Listening Challenge!

Q2: What was obvious?
A: The man is a fan of the band.
B: The man became a fan of the band yesterday.
C: The man designed the T-shirt.

A: The man is a fan of the band.

Lesson 153 「同じ」仲間:same、similar、identical

Kana: Hey, Goro, what do you think of Mika, the new recruit?

Goro: Hi, Kana. Well, I think she’s a wonderful addition to our team, and that she will become a really valuable asset over time.

Kana: I agree. Of course, she makes some mistakes, but she is a very fast learner.

Goro: And she hardly ever makes the same mistake twice.

Kana: Maybe you could learn a thing or two from her!

Goro: Get out of here!


Listening Challenge!

Q3: What does Goro think of the new recruit?
A: That she makes too many mistakes.
B: That she has added a lot of quality to their team.
C: That she should get out of the company.

B: That she has added a lot of quality to their team.

Lesson 154 「違う」仲間:different、unique、distinct

Misaki: Hi, Robert. How are you enjoying your stay in Japan?

Robert: Oh, hi Misaki. I’m having a wonderful time. Everyone has been so friendly and helpful.

Misaki: That’s good to hear. But haven’t you experienced any culture shock?

Robert: Sure I have. Many things are different here.

Misaki: Like bowing or taking your shoes off before entering temples and certain restaurants?

Robert: Exactly. But I think it’s really important to embrace diversity.

Misaki: I agree.


Listening Challenge!

Q4: Which of the following is true?
A: The man is not enjoying his stay in Japan.
B: The man is very friendly and helpful.
C: The man has experienced cultural differences.

C: The man has experienced cultural differences.







事件 :  Case
指紋  : fingerprint


There is something mysterious about this case.
It’s obvious that Goemon did it because the fingerprints left at the jewelry shop are identical to his.
obvious は「誰にだって当然わかr」の「明らかな」。この状況で identical はピッタリな選択。「細部に至るまで、まるっきり同じ」。
But the problem is that he’s been dead for a long time. What do you think?


Well, we have no clear leads to this rather mysterious case.
clear leads は「明白な手がかり」。「手がかり」が lead なのは、事件解決に「導く」から。rather は「かなり」。
It appears evident that Goemon committed the robbery, since fingerprints identical to his were found at the jewelry store.
appear は「~のように見える・思える」。it is evident(明らかです)と同じ気軽さでこの「明らかに思える」を使えるように。commit は「犯罪などを犯す」。
However, he died many years ago. That’s a mystery!

challenge man:
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