ラジオ英会話 Lesson 155 今週のReview


ラジオ英会話 Lesson 155 今週のReview

Listening Challenge!


Listening Challenge!

Lesson 151 よくわからない: mysterious, ambiguous, vague

Eleanor: Guess what! I went to the Desperate Rats concert last night.

Benjamin: Desperate Rats? I’m sorry, but I’ve never heard of that band.

Eleanor: What? You must be joking. They are a super popular death metal band.

Benjamin: Er… death metal?

Eleanor: I don’t believe it. You don’t know what death metal is?

Benjamin: I’m afraid not.

Eleanor: Well, never mind. Look. This is the lead singer. I really love him.

Benjamin: Why?

Eleanor: There’s something mysterious about him. I find that attractive.


Listening Challenge!

Q1; What does the woman find attractive about the band?
A: The jokes.
B: The fashion.
C: The singer.

Lesson 152 理解しやすい・明瞭な:obvious、clear、evident

Ms. Hoffman: You gave an impressive presentation, Benjamin.

Benjamin: Thank you. I did my best.

Ms. Hoffman: Can I ask you something?

Benjamin: Yes, of course, Ms. Hoffman.

Ms. Hoffman: You’re a fan of the death metal band Desperate Rats, right?

Benjamin: Oh, yes… but just since yesterday. How did you know that?

Ms. Hoffman: It’s obvious. You’re wearing the band’s T-shirt. Everyone could see the band’s skull design through your white shirt during the presentation.

Benjamin: Oh, no!


Listening Challenge!

Q2: What was obvious?
A: The man is a fan of the band.
B: The man became a fan of the band yesterday.
C: The man designed the T-shirt.

Lesson 153 「同じ」仲間:same、similar、identical

Kana: Hey, Goro, what do you think of Mika, the new recruit?

Goro: Hi, Kana. Well, I think she’s a wonderful addition to our team, and that she will become a really valuable asset over time.

Kana: I agree. Of course, she makes some mistakes, but she is a very fast learner.

Goro: And she hardly ever makes the same mistake twice.

Kana: Maybe you could learn a thing or two from her!

Goro: Get out of here!


Listening Challenge!

Q3: What does Goro think of the new recruit?
A: That she makes too many mistakes.
B: That she has added a lot of quality to their team.
C: That she should get out of the company.

Lesson 154 「違う」仲間:different、unique、distinct

Misaki: Hi, Robert. How are you enjoying your stay in Japan?

Robert: Oh, hi Misaki. I’m having a wonderful time. Everyone has been so friendly and helpful.

Misaki: That’s good to hear. But haven’t you experienced any culture shock?

Robert: Sure I have. Many things are different here.

Misaki: Like bowing or taking your shoes off before entering temples and certain restaurants?

Robert: Exactly. But I think it’s really important to embrace diversity.

Misaki: I agree.


Listening Challenge!

Q4: Which of the following is true?
A: The man is not enjoying his stay in Japan.
B: The man is very friendly and helpful.
C: The man has experienced cultural differences.







事件 :  Case
指紋  : fingerprint


obvious は「誰にだって当然わかr」の「明らかな」。この状況で identical はピッタリな選択。「細部に至るまで、まるっきり同じ」。


clear leads は「明白な手がかり」。「手がかり」が lead なのは、事件解決に「導く」から。rather は「かなり」。
appear は「~のように見える・思える」。it is evident(明らかです)と同じ気軽さでこの「明らかに思える」を使えるように。commit は「犯罪などを犯す」。

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