ラジオ英会話 Lesson 185 今週の Review

ラジオ英会話 Lesson 185 今週の Review

Listening Challenge!


Listening Challenge!

Lesson 181 知識①:知識レベル


Fox: Hi, Hiromi. What are you reading?

Hiromi: Oh, hi, Professor Fox. It’s a book by Brendan Peacock, the archaeologist. Do you know him?

Fox: Well, I know of him. He’s really famous.

Hiromi: Actually, he’s a friend of mine.

Fox: Really? How come?

Hiromi: We went to the same high school.

Fox: I’m jealous because he’s much more famous than I am.

Hiromi: Well, you’re an excellent English teacher, Professor Fox.

Fox: Thank you, Hiromi. I do my best.

Listening Challenge! The question No.1
Q1: Does Professor Fox know Brendan Peacock?

A Yes. They’ve met before.

B No. He doesn’t know him personally.

C Ho He hasn’t even heard his name before.

正解は B


Lesson 182 知識②:伝聞による知識


Hadley: Mariko, I hear that you like to go shopping.

Mariko: Yes, I love shopping! Tomorrow is the first sale of the year. I can’t wait!

Hadley: Let’s go shopping together. I’m interested in seeing a New Year’s sale in Japan.

Mariko: It’ll be crowded. Lots of people want to buy “lucky bags.”

Hadley: Yes, I’ve heard that you don’t know what’s inside them.

Mariko: That’s why they’re so much fun,

Hadley: Ah, you like mysteries.

Mariko: Yes!

Listening Challenge! The question No.2
Q2: How did the man know that Mariko loves shopping?

A Someone told him.

B He asked her before.

C She told him.

正解は A

Lesson 183 知識③:法則


Ally: Mr. Sato, I’m excited to be a part of your New year’s celebrations!

Mr. Sato: We’re happy to have you with us! Now, let’s drink a toast to the New Year!

Ally: Oh no! I’ve broken the glass. I’m so sorry.

Mr. Sato: Don’t worry about it. Accidents will happen.

Ally: I’m so embarrassed.

Mr. Sato: Forget about it. It was an old wine glass anyway. I’ll get you another one.

Ally: Let’s toast again. OK, Happy New year!

Listening Challenge! The question No.3
Q3: What accident happened?

A The woman burned a piece of toast.

B The woman drank the man’s drink by accident.

C The woman broke a wine glass.

正解は C

Lesson 184 知識④:常識


Mr. Sato: What’s this? A present for me?

Ally: Yes.

Mr. Sato: Wine glasses? You shouldn’t have, Ally. I told you to forget about it.

Ally: I wanted to do something.

Mr. Sato: OK, thank you. Now let’s have something different for lunch.

Ally: No ozoni today?

Mr. Sato: Today we’re having “Seven Herbs Porridge.” People say you enjoy good health for a year if you eat it.

Ally: Oh, it’s delicious!

Mr. Sato: Yes, it’s one of my favorites.

Listening Challenge! The question No.4
Q4: Which of the following is true?

A The woman gave the man a bottle of wine.

B The woman had the porridge the day before.

C The woman really likes the porridge.

正解は C

SAY IT IN ENGLISH! ~英語で声に出して表現してみましょう~



What do you make of Cathy?


I’ve never met her in person. I just know of her.
I think Ken knows her well. Why don’t you talk to him?

例えば「彼が彼の収入にしては高すぎる車を買ったという噂を聞いたよ。それでいいの? 彼とそのローンを返さなくてはならなくなるけど」など。

I want to marry him. What do you think?


I’ve heard a rumor that he bought a car that was way beyond his budget.
それでいいの? 彼とそのローンを返さなくてはならなくなるけど。
Are you OK with that? You’ll have to pay back the loan with him.


in person  じかに
know of  話に聞いたことがある
make of  する、変える、思う、考える、理解する
I’ve heard  最近耳にした、聞いた
beyond  ~を超えて
beyond one’s budget  予算オーバーの
way  はるかに
way beyond one’s budget  収入にまるで見合わない

challenge man:
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