ラジオ英会話 Lesson 105 今週の Review

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ラジオ英会話 Lesson 105 今週の Review

Listening Challenge!


Lesson 101 形容詞①:前に置いて指定する


Yuko: So, this is Kanda. There are lots of restaurants in this area.

Thomas: What’s that delicious smell?

Yuko: It’s unagi.

Thomas: What’s unagi?

Yuko: Barbecued eel.

Thomas: People eat eels?

Yuko: Yes. It’s very popular but also expensive. Would you like to try it?

Thomas: How expensive is it?

Yuko: The unagi with rice set is at least double the price of a regular lunch.

Thomas: Well, today it’s my treat for all your kindness.

Yuko: Oh, thanks a lot, Thomas.

Listening Challenge! The question No.1
Q1: Who will have unagi after this conversation?

A: Both the man and the woman.

B: Only the woman.

C: Only the man.

正解は A: Both the man and the woman.


Lesson 102 形容詞②:形容詞を接続詞でつなぐ


Ms. Jets: Hi, Mr. Smith. What are you listening to? Let me guess. Brahms?

Mr. Smith: Oh, Ms. Jets.

Ms. Jets: Call me Bennie.

Mr. Smith: OK, Bennie. I’m actually listening to Mozart’s Symphony No. 40.

Ms. Jets: Oh, I love that symphony. It’s a sad but beautiful piece of music. That’s typical of Mozart.

Mr. Smith: Sounds like you know a lot about classical music.

Ms. Jets: Well, I went to music college.

Mr. Smith: That’s interesting. You don’t seem like a classical music lover.

Ms. Jets: I love all kinds of music, Mr. Smith.

Listening Challenge! The question No.2
Q2: According to Bennie, what is sad?

A: Mozart’s life.

B: The symphony that Mr. Smith is listening to.

C: The fact that Mr. Smith was not listening to her.

正解は B: The symphony that Mr. Smith is listening to.


Lesson 103 形容詞③:形容詞を重ねて使う


Yuko: So, now we’re near the Port of Yokohama.

Thomas: Look at that huge old building! What is it?

Yuko: It’s called Akarenga Soko, or Red Brick Warehouse. The warehouse was built over 100 years ago, but now it’s been transformed into a shopping complex.

Thomas: I love the way they’ve preserved the original architecture.

Yuko: Me too. Hey, it’s almost six. Are you hungry?

Thomas: Yes, I’m starving.

Yuko: Great. How about dinner in Chinatown?

Thomas: That would be wonderful!

Listening Challenge! The question No.3
Q3: What is the huge old building.

A: A warehouse holding a variety of items.

B: A place where you can shop and eat.

C: A building with a complex interior.

正解は B: A place where you can shop and eat.


Lesson 104 形容詞④:形容詞を作ってみる


Juliet: Hiroto, can you hear me?

Hiroto: Yes, Juliet. Wow, you haven’t changed at all!

Juliet: Thanks, but I’ve changed a lot. It’s been 30 years since college.

Hiroto: So, where are you living now?

Juliet: I’ve lived in the western part of Canada since 1990. How about you?

Hiroto: Well, I’m still in Japan, but I have a 22-year-old son, who lives in Canada. He’s a professional golfer.

Juliet: What’s his name?

Hiroto: Yasuto. He lives in Calgary.

Juliet: That’s where I am! Maybe I can meet him.

Listening Challenge! The question No.4
Q4: Who lives in Canada?

A: Hiroto and Juliet.

B: Juliet and her son.

C: Juliet and Hiroto’s son.

正解は C: Juliet and Hiroto’s son.


SAY IT IN ENGLISH! ~英語で声に出して表現してみましょう~



You look excited!
これを見て! 私はこんなにかわいくてちっちゃい魚を見たことはありません。
Look at these! I’ve never seen such cute little fish.
I wonder if there’re any pet shops that sell them.


What should I do?
ねえ、どうかもう泣かないで。 あなたのご両親はとても喜びますよ。 そして私も両親が気に入った新しいガールフレンドを見つけることができるし。
Hey, please don’t cry anymore. Your parents will be very pleased. And I can find a new girlfriend that my parents like.
This is a win-win situation, isn’t it?


I wonder if  ~かしらと思う
be pleased  喜ぶ
not … anymore  これ以上~しない

challenge man:
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