ラジオ英会話 Lesson 200 今週の Review

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ラジオ英会話 Lesson 200 今週の Review

Listening Challenge!


Lesson 196 ちょこっと疑問


Masaya: Deena, are you getting hungry? After all this hiking, I’m starving!

Deena: Yes, I’m starving, too. So, let’s start making the curry.

Masaya: You remembered to bring the curry roux, right?

Deena: What? You said you were going to buy it.

Masaya: Did I? I don’t remember saying that.

Deena: Yes, you texted me last week. So, we don’t have any roux?

Masaya: We have some salt. We could make a soup.

Deena: But I was looking forward to eating curry and rice!

Listening Challenge! The question No.1
Q1: What does Deena want to do?

A: Eat curry and rice.

B: Buy some curry roux.

C: Make a soup.

正解は A: Eat curry and rice.


Lesson 197 付加疑問文


Shoko: So, you went to the classical music cafe with Kelly again?

Takuma: Yes, she likes that place. But the last time, she said I looked “distracted.”

Shoko: That’s not good, Takuma. You need to listen to her.

Takuma: I tried, but I was worried about my English report. She helped me with it, though.

Shoko: Did she?

Takuma: Yes. But after that, she hasn’t replied to my text messages.

Shoko: So, she doesn’t want to go out with you anymore, does she?

Takuma: I’m not sure.

Listening Challenge! The question No.1
Q2: What does Kelly think of the man?

A: His English is not good.

B: He doesn’t listen to her.

C: He worries too much.

正解は B: He doesn’t listen to her.


Lesson 198 あいづち疑問文


Tetsuya: Janet, don’t forget your umbrella.

Janet: Oh, right, thanks. What time is it?

Tetsuya: Ten to one.

Janet: I’m going to be late for my flight!

Tetsuya: What time does it leave?

Janet: In two hours.

Tetsuya: I can give you a ride to the airport.

Janet: Oh, can you?

Tetsuya: Sure, no problem. But can I ask you to take off your shoes before you get in the car?

Janet: Um, actually, I see a taxi over there. Bye!

Listening Challenge! The question No.1
Q3: What will Janet do after this conversation?

A: She’ll get a new umbrella.

B: She’ll ride in the man’s car.

C: She’ll take a taxi.

正解は C: She’ll take a taxi.


Lesson 199 感嘆文


Casper: What a cool office you have! So many old movie posters.

Ms. Kizawa: Thank you. Have a seat, sir.

Casper: Thank you, Ms. Kizawa.

Ms. Kizawa: So, can I see your Princess Layla figure?

Casper: Yes, here it is. Still in the original package.

Ms. Kizawa: What a cute figure this is! It’s in excellent condition.

Casper: How much do you think it’s worth?

Ms. Kizawa: I’d say about 50,000 yen.

Casper: That’s all? That’s what I paid for it.

Ms. Kizawa: So you paid the right amount.

Listening Challenge! The question No.1
Q4: Which of the following is not true?

A: There are movie posters in Ms. Kizawa’s office.

B: The man paid too much for the figure.

C: The figure is in very good condition.

正解は B: The man paid too much for the figure.


SAY IT IN ENGLISH! ~英語で声に出して表現してみましょう~



ああ、トミーのお母さんですね。 お目にかかれて光栄です
Oh, you’re Tommy’s mother. Nice to meet you.
それで あなたがトミーをここに連れてきてくれた方なのですね?
So, you’re the one that brought Tommy here, aren’t you?
深く感謝いたします。 ご親切に報いるために何か私にできることはありますか?
I deeply appreciate that. Is there anything I can do to repay your kindness?


Did you like my essay?
わぁ! なんて早くあなたはそれを書き終えたのでしょう! 信じられません。
Wow! How quickly you finished writing it! Unbelievable!
How on earth did you do that?


repay your kindness  あなたの親切に報いる
on earth  一体全体
How on earth did you do that? どうやってそれをやったのですか?

challenge man:
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