ラジオ英会話 Lesson 200 今週の Review

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ラジオ英会話 Lesson 200 今週の Review

Listening Challenge!


Lesson 196 ちょこっと疑問


Masaya: Deena, are you getting hungry? After all this hiking, I’m starving!

Deena: Yes, I’m starving, too. So, let’s start making the curry.

Masaya: You remembered to bring the curry roux, right?

Deena: What? You said you were going to buy it.

Masaya: Did I? I don’t remember saying that.

Deena: Yes, you texted me last week. So, we don’t have any roux?

Masaya: We have some salt. We could make a soup.

Deena: But I was looking forward to eating curry and rice!


Lesson 197 付加疑問文


Shoko: So, you went to the classical music cafe with Kelly again?

Takuma: Yes, she likes that place. But the last time, she said I looked “distracted.”

Shoko: That’s not good, Takuma. You need to listen to her.

Takuma: I tried, but I was worried about my English report. She helped me with it, though.

Shoko: Did she?

Takuma: Yes. But after that, she hasn’t replied to my text messages.

Shoko: So, she doesn’t want to go out with you anymore, does she?

Takuma: I’m not sure.


Lesson 198 あいづち疑問文


Tetsuya: Janet, don’t forget your umbrella.

Janet: Oh, right, thanks. What time is it?

Tetsuya: Ten to one.

Janet: I’m going to be late for my flight!

Tetsuya: What time does it leave?

Janet: In two hours.

Tetsuya: I can give you a ride to the airport.

Janet: Oh, can you?

Tetsuya: Sure, no problem. But can I ask you to take off your shoes before you get in the car?

Janet: Um, actually, I see a taxi over there. Bye!


Lesson 199 感嘆文


Casper: What a cool office you have! So many old movie posters.

Ms. Kizawa: Thank you. Have a seat, sir.

Casper: Thank you, Ms. Kizawa.

Ms. Kizawa: So, can I see your Princess Layla figure?

Casper: Yes, here it is. Still in the original package.

Ms. Kizawa: What a cute figure this is! It’s in excellent condition.

Casper: How much do you think it’s worth?

Ms. Kizawa: I’d say about 50,000 yen.

Casper: That’s all? That’s what I paid for it.

Ms. Kizawa: So you paid the right amount.


SAY IT IN ENGLISH! ~英語で声に出して表現してみましょう~







repay your kindness  あなたの親切に報いる
on earth  一体全体
How on earth did you do that? どうやってそれをやったのですか?

にほんブログ村 英語ブログへ

