ラジオ英会話 Lesson 045 今週の Review

ラジオ英会話 Lesson 045 今週の Review

Listening Challenge!


Listening Challenge!

Lesson 041 run のイメージ


Jennifer: Look, Tyler. This is the new page for my sister Carolyn’s business in Japan.

Tyler: Wow, what does your sister do?

Jennifer: She runs a ramen shop in Tokyo.

Tyler: Really? I love ramen. What kind?

Jennifer: Vegan ramen.

Tyler: You mean she doesn’t use any animal products?

Jennifer: That’s right.

Tyler: I’ve heard of it, but it’s not exactly my cup of tea.

Jennifer: You mean your cup of ramen.

Tyler: Right! Anyway, I’d like to go to Japan someday soon.

Jennifer: Me, too!

Listening Challenge! The question No.1
Q1: What kind of ramen does Carolyn make?

A: Ramen containing animal products.

B: Ramen served in cups.

C: Ramen containing no animal products.

正解は C: Ramen containing no animal products.


Lesson 042 感覚を表す動詞:look


Dr. Stein: Jeannie, how are you getting along with Frankie?

Jeannie: Fine, I suppose. He’s kind and handsome.

Dr. Stein: You don’t sound so sure. Is there a problem?

Jeannie: Well, kind of. All the girls in town follow him around.

Dr. Stein: Really? Because he’s good-looking?

Jeannie: Yes, and it really bothers me.

Dr. Stein: Jeannie, you’re jealous!

Jeannie: Look at me. Look what you’ve done to me!

Dr. Stein: Is it my fault that you’re jealous?

Jeannie: Yes. You made him too attractive, Dr. stein.

Listening Challenge! The question No.2
Q2: What is the problem?

A: Frankie doesn’t care about Jeannie.

B: Too many girls like Frankie.

C: Stein is jealous.

正解は B: Too many girls like Frankie.


Lesson 043 感覚を表す動詞:watch


Cindy: Mr. Emori, how many times have you been to Toshogu?

Mr. Emori: Hmm, I think about five times. I forget. Many Japanese children come here on school trips. I did too.

Cindy: What is Toshogu anyway?

Mr. Emori: It’s a sacred area built in memory of the shogun Tokugawa Ieyasu.

Cindy: It’s a World Heritage Site too, isn’t it?

Mr. Emori: Yes, I think so. Cindy, please watch your step. These stones can be slippery after the rain.

Cindy: Thanks for warning me. I almost slipped.

Mr. Emori: Here, take my hand.

Listening Challenge! The question No.3
Q3: Why did Mr. Emori warn Syndy?

A: Because she might slip and fall.

B: Because they were in a sacred area.

C: Because there were many stone steps to climb.

正解は A: Because she might slip and fall.


Lesson 044 感覚を表す動詞:see ①


Roxy: Professor Peacock, you must know a lot about Stonehenge.

Peacock: Well, I’m no expert, but I know some things.

Roxy: What is Stonehenge exactly?

Peacock: That’s a good question, Roxy. Nobody really knows. But it may have been an observatory.

Roxy: How was it used?

Peacock: Can you see that stone over there?

Roxy: Yes. What is it?

Peacock: It’s called the Heel Stone. People used that to mark the first sunrise of summer.

Roxy: Wow, they knew about that?

Peacock: Apparently, they did.

Listening Challenge! The question No.4
Q4: Which of the following is true?

A: Professor Peacock knows an expert on Stonehenge.

B: There is a special stone called the Heel Stone.

C: Stonehenge was definitely an observatory.

正解は B: There is a special stone called the Heel Stone.


Say It In English!



It hurts a lot.
You’d better have your doctor take a look at it now.
I’ll look after your dog, so don’t worry. I’ll call a taxi for you.


What’s up?
I hate to say this, but it looks like your boyfriend is seeing somebody.
I was watching a news program, and I saw him walking arm in arm with a cute girl behind the reporter.


had better …  ~したほうがいい
walk arm in arm  腕を組んで歩く

challenge man:
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