ラジオ英会話 Lesson 090 今週の Review

ラジオ英会話 Lesson 090 今週の Review

Listening Challenge!


Lesson 086 on のイメージ①


Casper: Alexis, you were right about this Indian restaurant. It is different from the others.

Alexis: Right. I think this is authentic Indian curry.

Casper: The naan is excellent too.

Alexis: Look over there. There’s a painting of the Taj Mahal on the wall.

Casper: Nice. I’d like to go there someday.

Alexis: Uh, Casper, you have a big stain on your shirt. You spilled some of your curry.

Casper: Oh, no! I just had this shirt cleaned.

Alexis: Here, put some water on your napkin.

Listening Challenge! The question No.1
Q1: What kind of restaurant are the two people in?

A: A restaurant that doesn’t have curry.

B: A very good restaurant.

C: A restaurant next to a dry cleaners.

正解は B: A very good restaurant.


Lesson 087 on のイメージ②


Tina: Welcome back, Arnold. How was Japan?

Arnold: Terrific! I always have a great time in Japan.

Tina: Did you have a nice flight?

Arnold: Not bad, but I’m a bit tired. I sat next to a woman who was going to be on the “Barry King Show.”

Tina: Oh, really? Who was she?

Arnold: Ellie Lansing, the astronomer. She talked on and on about space.

Tina: She must have really liked you, then.

Arnold: Yes, I saw her looking at me as soon as I got on the plane.

Listening Challenge! The question No.2
Q2: Who did Arnold meet?

A: Barry King.

B: A female astronaut.

C: A woman who talked forever.

正解は C: A woman who talked forever.


Lesson 088 on のイメージ③


Mr. Morikawa: Yuriko, hello! Are you coming back to work for us again?

Yuriko: Very funny, Mr. Morikawa. No, I was in the neighborhood and decided to stop by.

Mr. Morikawa: You look more relaxed.

Yuriko: Do I?

Mr. Morikawa: Yes.

Yuriko: Well, I have less stress. Say, where is Felicia?

Mr. Morikawa: She went to Singapore on business. She’ll be back on Friday.

Yuriko: Oh, that’s too bad. I wanted to see her. I miss her.

Mr. Morikawa: We all miss you, Yuriko. If you want to come back, you’re welcome.

Yuriko: Thanks.

Listening Challenge! The question No.3
Q3: Q: Where is Felicia?

A: She’s in the neighborhood.

B: She’s in Singapore.

C: Nobody knows.

正解は B: She’s in Singapore.


Lesson 089 on のイメージ④


Takuma: Kelly, after our wedding, maybe we should move to California.

Kelly: I’d be happy since my parents are in San Diego. What about your job?

Takuma: I’ll look for a job there.

Kelly: But you have a good job in Japan already.

Takuma: I know, but it’s been my dream to live abroad.

Kelly: Well, our future depends on your decision.

Takuma: I know somebody who runs a Japanese restaurant in San Diego. I could work there.

Kelly: Is it enough to live on?

Takuma: I’m not sure, but it’s a start.

Listening Challenge! The question No.4
Q4: Which of the following is true?

A: The man wants to live abroad.

B: Kelly likes her new job in Japan.

C: The man and woman will run a restaurant.

正解は A: The man wants to live abroad.


Say It In English! ~英語で声に出して表現してみましょう~



I’m home!
ねえ、靴に泥がついているわ。 どこにいたの?
Hey, you have mud on your shoes. Where were you?
Don’t tell me you went to the park instead cram school.


How can I improve my English?
「ラジオ英会話」を試してみたら? 毎週月曜日から金曜日まで、NHKラジオ第2でやっているよ。
Why don’t you try Radio Eikaiwa? It’s on from Monday through Friday every week on NHK Radio 2.
If you keep on listening to it, your English will get a lot better.


mud  泥
instead of ~  ~の代わりに
cram school  塾
Don’t tell me ~  まさか~していたのではないでしょうね
get better  良くなる
keep on ~  ~し続ける

challenge man:
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