ラジオ英会話 Lesson 152 感情を表す形容詞②
Key Sentence
l was disappointed with the food.
Today’s dialog
Takuma: Kelly, look at this picture of your parents. They look so happy.
Kelly: Yes, I think they were relieved more than anything else.
Takuma: We almost didn’t have the wedding.
Kelly: It wasn’t perfect. I was disappointed with the food.
Takuma: I didn’t have time to eat. Some guests were bored by the speeches.
Kelly: Yes, my Uncle Barry went on and on.
Takuma: Well, he is a famous talk show host.
Kelly: True. People seemed excited to learn that Barry King is my uncle.
Kelly, look at this picture of your parents. They look so happy.
Yes, I think they were relieved more than anything else.
We almost didn’t have the wedding.
It wasn’t perfect. I was disappointed with the food.
I didn’t have time to eat. Some guests were bored by the speeches.
Yes, my Uncle Barry went on and on.
Well, he is a famous talk show host.
True. People seemed excited to learn that Barry King is my uncle.
Grammar and Vocabulary
– 1 –
They look so happy.
– 2 –
Some guests were bored by the speeches.
Feel English
Key Sentence
l was disappointed with the food.
私は興奮しました / スリルを味わいました / 満足しました / 喜びました / むかつきました / 驚きました。
Expressions in Action
My kids are so excited about going to the theme park.
I was surprised to see so many people at my gig.
more than anything else (ほかの) 何よりも –
go on and on 長々としゃべる
gig 演奏会
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