ラジオ英会話 Lesson 175 今週の Review

ラジオ英会話 Lesson 175 今週の Review

Listening Challenge!


Listening Challenge!

Lesson 171 限定詞①:限定詞のない表現


Aileen: Hi, how are you enjoying the workshop?

Caspar: I’m learning a lot.

Aileen: Me too. My name’s Aileen.

Caspar: Hi, I’m Caspar. Nice to meet you.

Aileen: Nice to meet you, too. So, what kind of videos do you create?

Caspar: I make videos of our cat Umi.

Aileen: I love cats! They are highly intelligent animals.

Caspar: Exactly. You may not believe this, but my cat can talk.

Aileen: Really? Do you have a video?

Caspar: Not yet.

Listening Challenge! The question No.1
Q1: Who is Aileen?

A: A workshop instructor.

B: A person who is attending the workshop.

C: A person who has watched Casper’s videos.

正解は B: A person who is attending the workshop.


Lesson 172 限定詞②: the は「ひとつに決まる」


Renji: Hi, Mom, can I bother you for a second?

Riko: Sure, Renji. Oh, can you close the door? It’s cold.

Renji: OK. Mom, you’ll never guess what I saw today while running. A raccoon!

Riko: Really? I heard that there have been more sightings recently.

Renji: And the raccoon was almost hit by a car. Luckily, the driver was able to stop just in time.

Riko: That’s good news the poor raccoon wasn’t hurt.

Renji: Right.

Listening Challenge! The question No.2
Q2: Which of the following is true?

A: Renji saw a racoon while driving.

B: Many racoons are hit by cars.

C: Racoon sightings are increasing.

正解は C: Racoon sightings are increasing.


Lesson 173 限定詞③: the のさまざまな使い方


Louis: Hello, is this the vegan ramen shop?

Carolyn: Yes, it’s one of them. It’s not the only one in town.

Louis: Excellent. My name is Louis. I am from France. I am a big ramen fan.

Carolyn: Welcome. Please have a seat. You’ve picked the right place. Our French onion soup ramen is the most popular item.

Louis: It’s vegan ramen?

Carolyn: Yes, of course. All our ramen is vegan.

Louis: It will be the first vegan ramen I’ve tried.

Carolyn: Great!

Listening Challenge! The question No.3
Q3: Who is Louis?

A: A French ramen lover.

B: A person who loves French onion soup.

C: A person who has had vegan ramen in France.

正解は A: A French ramen lover.


Lesson 174 限定詞④: 共有イメージの the


Ben: Hi, Amy. I saw you at the Christmas concert on Sunday.

Amy: Really? Did you hear me play?

Ben: Yes! I didn’t know you played the piano so well.

Amy: Thanks. I think I made one mistake though.

Ben: Really? I didn’t notice. How long have you been playing?

Amy: I started when I was four years old.

Ben: Oh, no wonder you’re so good.

Amy: Do you play any instrument, Ben?

Ben: Well, I can play the air guitar.

Amy: Oh!

Listening Challenge! The question No.4
Q4: What did Amy start doing when she was four years old?

A: Performing in concerts.

B: Playing the piano.

C: Going to classical concerts.

正解は B: Playing the piano.


Say It In English!



I don’t think I can finish my report by tomorrow.
ボスはとても締め切りに厳しいの。 時間どおりそのリポートを出さないといけないわ。
The boss is really strict with deadlines. You’d better hand in the report on time.
If you don’t mind, I’ll help you.


宝くじが当たった! これで欲しいものが何でも買えちゃう!
I won the lottery! Now I can buy anything I want!
わあ、おめでとう! 君は世界でいちばん幸運な人だよ!
Wow, congratulations! You are the luckiest person in the world!
でもお金に振り回されないでね。 「お金持ちはいつも幸せとは限らない」とも言うよね?
But don’t let money control you. They say, “The rich are not always happy,” right?


hand ~ in  ~を提出する
had better  ~したほうがいい
if you don’t mind  もしよろしければ・差し支えがなかったら
not always ~  常に~とは限らない
control  操る(=振り回す)

challenge man:
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