ラジオ英会話 Lesson 040 今週の Review

ラジオ英会話 Lesson 040 今週の Review

Listening Challenge!


Listening Challenge!

Lesson 036 発言タイプ:理解を深める⑦ 理解を確かめる


Frankie: Jeannie, I have not seen you in a long time.

Jeannie: Yes, I needed some time to be by myself.

Frankie: I understand, Jeannie. Dr. Frank N. Stein told me that people need their space.

Jeannie: Yes, I’ve learned a lot from this experience. We need a balance.

Frankie: If I understand you correctly, sometimes we need company, other times we need to be alone.

Jeannie: Exactly. But I know I can’t live without you, Frankie. I’m sorry for being distant.

Frankie: Don’t apologize, Jeannie. I need you too.

Listening Challenge! The question No.1
Q1: Why hasn’t Frankie seen Jeannie in a long time?

A: Because she was busy.

B: Because he didn’t want to she her.

C: Because she wanted to be alone.

正解は C: Because she wanted to be alone.


Lesson 037 発言タイプ:理解を深める⑧ 誤解を正す


Cynthia: Bill, please listen to me. The fans are bored by the new songs.

Bill: Come on, Cynthia. Derek and I are the heart and soul of the Desperate Rats.

Cynthia: I’m not denying that. You’re both great songwriters.

Bill: If we used different songwriters, we wouldn’t be the same band.

Cynthia: Don’t get me wrong, Bill. What I meant was that maybe we need some fresh ideas.

Bill: Hey, Cynthia, don’t worry. I still have a few hit songs left in me.

Listening Challenge! The question No.2
Q2: What is the problem with the new songs?

A: The fans don’t like them.

B: They lack the soul of the Desperate Rats.

C: They have too many fresh ideas.

正解は A: The fans don’t like them.


Lesson 038 発言タイプ:理解を深める⑨ 間違いなく理解させる


Megan: Zaytox, thank you for attending this secret meeting.

Zaytox: Thank you for having me. I know you have many questions.

Megan: Yes. The main question is: why are you here?

Zaytox: Let me make myself clear. In short, we want to learn more about you.

Megan: Why are you so interested in humans?

Zaytox: You have something that we need.

Megan: Really? You are so advanced technologically. What do we have?

Zaytox: In a nutshell, humans are very special beings in the universe.

Listening Challenge! The question No.3
Q3: What does Zaytox think about humans?

A: They should learn more about the universe.

B: Their technology is advanced enough.

C: They are very special beings in the universe.

正解は C: They are very special beings in the universe.


Lesson 039 発言タイプ:理解を深める⑩ 「わかった?」「わかりました」の表現


Yoshi: Oh, hi there. Nice to see you again.

Barbara: Hi.

Yoshi: Um, I’m sorry to keep bothering you, but can you help me with this machine again?

Barbara: Sure. What’s the problem?

Yoshi: This setting is too easy. I want to make it harder.

Barbara: OK. Why don’t you try going one step higher on the setting?

Yoshi: Is that this one?

Barbara: That’s right. You’re on “easy climb.” Try the “normal” setting.

Yoshi: Oh, that feels better. Got it. You’ve been a on great help.

Listening Challenge! The question No.4
Q4: Why does the man need help with the machine?

A: He can’t figure out how to turn it on.

B: He wants to change the setting.

C: He doesn’t know how to stop it.

正解は B: He wants to change the setting.


Say It In English!



English is useful, but…you know, I’m busy.
Are you saying that you don’t want to study English because it’s too time-consuming?
「ラジオ英会話」をやってみて。 仕事に行く電車で楽しめるわよ。 ということは余分な時間がかからないということよね?
Try Radio Eikaiwa. You can enjoy it on the train going to work. That means no extra time is required, right?


What do you mean by “not now”?
誤解しないで。 僕の思っていることをきちんと説明させてよ。
Don’t get me wrong. Let me make myself clear.
It’s not that I don’t want to see your parents, it’s just that I want to get a job first and meet them with a plan for our future.


time-consuming  時間がかかる
extra  余分な・追加の
no extra time is required  追加の時間がまったくかからない
It’s not that ~, it’s that….  ~ということではありません、・・・ということなのです
plan for our future  将来に向けての計画

challenge man:
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